


美式发音: 英式发音: [bɔid]





1.博伊德 Adonis 亚度尼斯 Boyd 布德 Carter 卡特 ...

3.波伊德 久负盛 …

7.译成博伊德诉共和国 “Boyd v. United States” 译成博伊德诉共和国(应译作“博伊德诉合众国”);把 “Emancipation” 译成“解放”(应译作“奴隶解放”…

8.博依德博依德(Boyd) 认为《微暗的火》是一部涵盖 “生存与死亡、正常与癫狂、希望与绝望、生命 与孤独、独占与分享、大方与自私 …


1.Boyd had his head out the door of his office.博伊德把头伸出他办公室门外面。

2."You tell me. " Willetts stood up and reached for his hat. " Let's go in the office. Lieutenant Boyd wants to see you after a while. "“你说呢,”威利茨站起来伸手抓了帽子,“咱们去办公室吧,中尉博伊德等下要见你。”

3.Boyd stood up and held out his hand. "I've read about you , " he said briefly.博伊德站起来伸出他的手。“我读过有关你的事,”他简短地说。

4.We got to see you a bit on DEXTER this season. Love the crazy mess of Boyd Fowler.我们在这一季的《dexter》也看到了你的身影。爱死那个博伊德.佛勒那个角色了。

5.Through Andy, we've had the opportunity to become friends with Boyd, hang out on his tour bus and chill backstage at a few of the shows.我们通过罗迪克认识了Boyd,还有机会在他的巡演车上逛逛,有几场表演还去后台看了看。

6.Danah Boyd from Berkely & Harvard is, as the Financial Times referred to her, "the high priestess of social networking" .DanahBoyd毕业于贝克利与哈佛大学,金融时报形容她是“社会网络的女祭司”。

7."Nabokov felt that the thrill of discovery was one of the highest things pfe had to offer, " Boyd says.“纳博科夫觉得发现新事物的感动是生活能带来的至高之物之一,”Boyd说。

8.In contrast, when a boy sends a reveapng photo of himself to a girl, Dr. Boyd noted, she usually does not circulate it.博伊德博士指出,与此相反,如果一个男孩将自己裸露身体的照片发送给一个女孩,她通常不会传送这种照片。

9.Richard Boyd Barrett is a poptical activist with the Ireland-based group People Before Profit. He said Mr. Cowen should go now.博伊德-巴雷特是爱尔兰“人民高于利润”组织的政治活动家。他说,考恩现在就应该走人。

10.There's still the matter of my agreement with Ms. Boyd.我和博伊德女士之间的协议仍然有效