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网络释义:双酚A(Bis Phenol-A);双酚基丙烷;最佳实践分析器(Best Practices Analyzer)



1.双酚A(Bis Phenol-A) FOMC 美国联邦公开市场委员会 BPA 双酚A MRCA 媒体资源控制板 ...

2.双酚基丙烷双酚A:简称双酚基丙烷BPA),是聚碳酸酯PC的重要原料,许多日常消费品如食品包装容器、婴儿奶瓶等儿童用品都可能 …

3.最佳实践分析器(Best Practices Analyzer)对于IT管理员们,甚至是DBA(Data Base Administrator)们来说,使用微软的Best Practices Analyzer (BPA) for SQL真的可 …

4.酚甲烷含有酚甲烷BPA)的包装涂层目前禁声一片,但是金属容器在设计和功能上仍然不断地取得突破。 金属包装行业正在见证一 …

5.不含双酚-不含双酚A(bpa)、聚氯乙烯(pvc)、邻苯二甲酸脂-袋内间隔宽敞,并以隔热物料制造,可保持食物和饮料冰冻-袋内 …


1.It has all sort of lovely water bottle features pke being leakproof, spill proof, BPA free and with a wide neck for loading with ice cubes.它具备一切传统水壶的特性比如防渗漏、不含双酚为装冰块设计的宽瓶口等等。

2.BPA is commonly used in food and drink packaging, where the molecule is usually locked in as part of a complex polymer.双酚A一般用于食品和饮料包装,其分子作为复合聚合物的一部分,通常是固定的。

3.Even so, the program director said "the possibipty that BPA may affect human development cannot be dismissed. "即使如此,规划处的主任说“BPA会影响人类发育的可能性仍然不能被忽视。”

4.Some of the men had two or three urine tests at different times, and the levels of BPA were different at each test.有些男性做过2到3次不同时间的尿液检测,每次检测的BPA水平都不同。

5.Scientists still don't know how much BPA is too much, or how it interacts with other chemicals in our food.科学家们仍然不清楚多少BPA含量可以称之为过量,还有BPA是如何与我们食物中的其他化学物质作用的。

6.Multiple scientific studies have shown that BPA has no effect on the human reproductive or development system, and no carcinogenic effects.多个科学研究表明,双酚A对人类的生殖或发展系统没有影响,且不会致癌。

7.Previously the agency said the trace amounts of BPA that leach out of food containers are not dangerous.之前这个机构说食物容器中渗出的微量BPA并没有危害。

8.It has been reported that BPA was one of environmental endocrine disrupters.研究表明,BPA具有内分泌干扰作用,是环境荷尔蒙物质。

9.The EWG, a national nonprofit organization, is undertaking additional studies to determine whether and to what degree BPA enters the body.这家全国性的非盈利组织正在进行更多的研究,考察BPA是否和能多大程度上进入人体体内。

10.There are traces of the worrisome chemical BPA in a wide variety of canned foods from supermarket shelves, found a new study.一项新的研究发现,超市货架上的各种罐头食品中都存在着令人十分担忧的化学物质-BPA的踪迹。