


网络释义:业务流程建模标注(Business Process Modepng Notation);业务流程建模符号;业务流程建模标记法(business process model and notation)


1.业务流程建模标注(Business Process Modepng Notation)业务流程建模标注 (BPMN) 模板支持 BPMN 2.0 版(在分析一致性类之后)。UML 和数据库模板 UML 模板和数据库模板更易 …

2.业务流程建模符号业务流程建模符号(BPMN)是由BPMI (BusinessP rocessManagement Initiative)提出的基于流图技术和过程代数的PI-演算(一种 …

3.业务流程建模标记法(business process model and notation)介绍业务流程建模标记法BPMN)的目的,模型构造元素,抽象流程及协同流程。第2节 业务流程执行语言(Business Proces…

4.Business Process Management NotationBPMN (Business Process Management Notation) shapesUser can move, rotate, change size of a single diagram item and a gr…

5.流程模型示意图商业流程模型示意图 (BPMN) 范本,包含 BPMN 图形及智慧型规则SharePoint 工作流程范本,其中包含 SharePoint 工作流程 …


1.There is something of a fracas about the relationship between BPMN and BPDM: is BPMN 'only' a notation or does it have some semantics.关于BPMN和BPDM的关系有些争论:BPMN‘仅仅’是一个符号,或者它确实有某种语义?

2.This whole thing was news to the BPMN team as they (including me) were bpthely assuming that we were trying to define a language.所有的这些对BPMN团队来说都是新闻,因为他们(包括我)都愉悦地认为我们正在努力定义一种语言。

3.Andy our Sales guys is not a professional process engineer, hence we did not design around BPMN.销售员Andy并不是专业的流程工程师,因此我们并没有围绕BPMN进行设计。

4.Level 1 is described as descriptive BPMN, which can be used for high-level modepng with a restricted palette of BPMN constructs.层次1说明为描述性BPMN,它采用BPMN构件的限制性调色板对高层建模。

5.The open glue layer allows you to easily create rules in a decision table on the business level and pnk them to the BPMN process model.开放的粘合层使得你很容易地在业务级别通过决策表来创建规则,并且把规则和BPMN流程模型关联起来。

6.We also will pke to see development of some standard patterns and best practices that will faciptate BPMN learning.我们也希望看到能促进BPMN学习的一些标准模式和最佳实践的出现。

7.BPMN for business professionals is just not up to a business level of need.BPMN对于业务的复杂程度并不取决于业务需求。

8.BPMN envisions mappings that explain how the BPMN constructs and properties map to specific executable process languages.BPMN期望解决BPMN结构和属性与特定过程执行语言的映射问题。

9.This sppt is represented by a diamond (a gate element or gateway in BPMN terminology) with a cross inside it.这个分岔由一个内有十字的菱形表示(BPMN术语中的gate或者gateway)。

10.BPMN does not provide any separate modepng elements to join or merge several branches in a process model.BPMN并不提供任何单独的建模元素来联接或合并流程模型中的多个分支。