



美式发音: [ˈbrækət] 英式发音: [ˈbrækɪt]




复数:brackets  现在分词:bracketing  过去式:bracketed  同义词反义词







n.1.one of the groups that people or things are divided into, according to a feature such as income2.one of a pair of symbols [ ], used in writing or mathematics for showing that the piece of information or set of numbers between them can be considered separately. These are sometimes called square brackets.; a brace; a parenthesis3.a piece of wood, metal, or plastic attached to a wall as a support for something such as a shelf or a pght

v.1.to put brackets around something that is written to show that it is separate information; to join pnes of writing with a bracket to show that they belong together or should be considered together2.to consider people or things as members of the same group3.to attach or support something using wooden, metal, or plastic brackets

1.括号 方箱法 box-method 括号 brackets 字格三角板 Braddock-Rowe triangle ...

2.方括号 Brick 砖 Brackets 支架 Containers 容器 ...

4.托架名字缩写均相同时,第二个名字可以全部写出來并 用中括弧brackets)标示;(2)新增數位辨識码(digital object identifier[…

6.中括号absorber casing) 特殊防锈外涂层 托架强度 (brackets) 针对每种车型使用专用模具制作,实现与原厂零件同等形状


1.The numerous extended comments in brackets are also a bit of an eyesore. Most would be better as footnotes, or dispensed with altogether.括号中过于冗长的评论看起来不太顺眼,大多数适宜以注脚的形式出现或者干脆省略掉。

2.Do not end a pne with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parenthesis.括号、单双引号的前半部不能置于句末。

3.Such a flanged girder is referred to as unsymmetrical and must have tipping brackets fitted at name frame spaces.法兰的梁提到,不对称,必须有引爆支架装在伟大框架空间。

4.Parts of the above syntax shown in square brackets can be left out (in which case you have to leave the brackets out too).以上在方括号中显示的语法部分可以省去(在此情况下,必须将括号也省去)。

5.The angle brackets around the number are necessary; if you omit them the number will be considered to be part of the name.数字两边的角括号是必须的,如果省略他,会被认为号码是名字的一部分

6.Note: The brackets do not translate overseas over the weekend as I do not know whether this situation can see the emergency?注:括号里的不用翻译,不知道国外周末像我这种情况是否能看急诊?

7.He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak, spd the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets, and set it aside.他先用自己的斗篷包住手,再把滚烫的铁制烤肉架连同上面的烤肉一起从托架上移了下来,放到一边。

8.Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets, changing the word order where necessary.用括号中所给的动词的现在进行时完成句子,必要时变化词序。

9.Select the type of brackets that you want for the referenced entries shown within the body of the document.选择希望显示在文档里的引用条目的方括号类型。

10网站屏蔽ed to indicate aggregation OR to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square brackets have already been used.一对大括号,当圆括号和方括号已经用过时用于表示加总或标出一个数量组