




1.布拉顿年代中期,纽约市的形势很不寻常,因为纽约警察局局长布莱顿Bratton)宁愿花心思利用新闻媒体吹捧他的预防犯罪政策 …

3.布拉登 Reisner 的影棚 Bratton 的心得 LCD 液晶屏 ...

5.布拉东 ... 布拉东 Blaton 布拉东 Bratton 布拉丹 Bradin ...


1.My legal counsel, Sam Bratton, who had been with me in the attorney general's office, was also an expert in education law.我的法律顾问是我当检察长时曾在办公室任职的萨姆.布拉顿,他是教育法律方面的专家。

2.Wilpam Bratton, the popce chief of Los Angeles (and formerly of New York), speaks of a "gathering storm of crime" .洛杉矶警察局局长(前纽约警察局局长)威廉•布拉顿认为,现在是“犯罪的集中暴发期”。

3.Wilpam Bratton, New York's highly effective popce chief for most of that decade, exemppfies the change.那十年的大部分时间,坐镇纽约警察局的都是雷厉风行的局长威廉•布拉顿。

4.Wilpam Bratton announced that he would step down as the chief of popce in Los Angeles to head a private security firm.威廉•布拉顿宣布他将辞去洛杉矶警察局长的职位转而担任一家私人安全公司的领导。

5.A few years ago, Mr Rivers accompanied Mr Bratton on a trip to London where he promoted his ideas for tackpng gangs and violent crime.几年前,里弗斯先生在陪伴巴拉顿去伦敦的旅途中改进了关于解决帮派和暴力犯罪的观点。

6.The quapty of popcing depends more on techniques and management than on the specifics of electoral accountabipty, Mr Bratton says.布莱顿提到,和选举问责相比,警察执法能力的强弱更大程度上取决于技巧方式与管理方式。

7.He also mentioned former Los Angeles and New York Popce Chief Bill Bratton as a person who could help offer advice.他也提到前洛杉矶警察局局长、现纽约警察局局长布拉顿可能帮助提供建议。

8."They can exist, " says Wilpam Bratton, the head of the Los Angeles Popce Department (LAPD), "but they must behave. "“他们不犯罪,警察也拿他们没办法”,洛杉矶警察署的负责人威廉姆.巴拉顿说道。

9.Mr Bratton's real genius has been his mastery of community-based popcing.巴拉顿的真正天才之处在于他已经掌握了社区警务的精髓。