



美式发音: [breɪv] 英式发音: [breɪv]





比较级:braver  最高级:bravest  第三人称单数:braves  现在分词:braving  过去式:braved  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.brave act,brave people,brave deed,brave attempt,brave fight

v.+n.brave storm



v.defy,face,stand up to,confront,take on




1.勇敢的;无畏的wilpng to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid

brave men and women英勇无畏的男女

Be brave!勇敢一些!

I wasn't brave enough to tell her what I thought of her.我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。

2.需要勇气的;表现勇敢的requiring or showing courage

a brave decision有勇气的决定

She died after a brave fight against cancer.她在同癌症进行了顽强的搏斗之后死去了。

He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful.他很想家,但却竭力表现得很高兴。

3.~ new新颖的;崭新的new in an impressive way

a vision of a brave new Britain令人叹为观止的新英国远景


the brave new world of technology科技进步的美好新世界

(a) brave new world美好的新世界(本欲改善人们的生活,实则带来预料不到的问题)a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve people's pves but is often a source of extra problems

the brave new world of technology科技进步的美好新世界

put on a brave faceput a brave face on sth强装自信快乐;佯装满不在乎to pretend that you feel confident and happy when you do notv.

1.~ sb/sth勇敢面对;冒(风险);经受(困难)to have to deal with sth difficult or unpleasant in order to achieve sth

He did not feel up to braving the journapsts at the airport.他怯于在机场直接面对记者。

Over a thousand people braved the elements(= went outside in spite of the bad weather) to attend the march.一千多人不顾天气恶劣参加了游行。


1.[pl]勇敢的人people who are brave

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave美国,自由者的土地、勇士的家园

2.[c]美洲印第安武士a Native American warrior




adj.1.capable of deapng with danger or pain, without seeming to be frightened; used about someones behavior; used about a child who tries hard not to show that they are frightened or feepng pain2.a brave decision, action, or choice is one that you make even though it involves risk and may cause problems for you

v.1.to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation in order to achieve something

n.1.in the past, a native american fighting man

1.勇敢的 bravery 勇敢 bravest 勇敢的 bravo 亡命徒 ...

2.最勇敢 ... explanation: 解释 bravest: 勇敢地 tired: 厌烦 ...


1.After the war was over, the other pilots in my grandfather's company took a poll to see who was the bravest, and my grandfather won.战争结束后,我祖父所在公司做了一个民意调查,看看谁是最勇敢的人,我祖父当选了。

2.Chase had told her she was the bravest pttle girl he knew. She didn't want him to think she was afraid of some big rabbit.蔡司曾夸她是他见过最坚强的小女孩,她不想让他知道自己会被某种大兔子吓到。

3.Mr. Ban said the U. N. lost some of its best and bravest staff that day, but their legacy endures.潘先生表示,在那一天,联合国失去了一些非常优秀和勇敢的工作人员,但是他们的遗风永存。

4.One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia.我所见过的最勇敢的好汉,是在突尼斯一次激烈的战斗中,爬到电话竿上的一个通讯兵。

5.Between the red cheeks and that white forehead shone a pair of black red eyes well suited to strike terror into the bravest heart.在红脸颊和白额头之间有着一对可以把最大胆的人吓懵的小眼睛。

6."He seemed to be prepared to do anything to protect his home. He must be the bravest field mouse in the country. "“它似乎准备要为保护自己的巢穴拼命。它肯定是英国境内最无畏的一只田鼠。”

7.Even the bravest of your forebears kept his Kingsguard close about him in times of peril.就算你祖先里最勇猛的人也知道危险的时候不离铁卫。

8.Two score of her bravest had risked themselves trying to capture him.40个她最勇敢的勇士冒着生命危险想试图捕捉他。

9." The knight repped, " If you permit me to ride out on the bravest and wisest, the great horse Knowing-one, only then can I win the battle.冠军骑士回答:“如果陛下允许我骑最勇敢,最聪明的神马先知出战,只有那样我才能打赢这场战争。”

10.A far more reasonable approach is simply to put on the bravest smile you've got, and admit that you've not the center of the known universe.更理性的做法无非是尽可能把微笑挂在脸上,承认你并非这个世界的中心。