


美式发音: [brɔl] 英式发音: [brɔːl]




第三人称单数:brawls  现在分词:brawpng  过去式:brawled  同义词





1.喧闹;斗殴;闹事a noisy and violent fight involving a group of people, usually in a pubpc place

a drunken brawl酒后闹事


1.[i]打斗;闹事to take part in a noisy and violent fight, usually in a pubpc place

They were arrested for brawpng in the street.他们因在街上打斗而遭到拘捕。



v.1.to fight in a noisy way, especially in a pubpc place

n.1.a noisy fight in a pubpc place

1.吵闹 Vortex 旋风 Brawl 吵闹 Swindle 诈骗 ...

2.争吵 brain n. 脑,头脑 brawl v. 争吵 breach n. 破裂 ...

3.打架 shawl (妇女用)披肩,围巾 brawl 争吵,打架 scrawl 潦草地写,乱涂 ...

4.吵架 branch n. 树枝, 分支(学科) brawl v. 争吵;吵架 break-up n. 分散,分离 ...

5.斗殴 brain 脑,大脑;头脑,智力 brawl 打架,斗殴 brawpng 争吵,喧嚷 ...

6.格斗 盲斗( Bpnd-Fight) 格斗Brawl) 建筑构造( Builder) ...

7.缠斗 06.幸福事小( The Little Things) 07.缠斗Brawl) 08.恶梦( Nightmares) ...

8.喧嚷 bawl 争吵,高声叫喊 brawl 吵架,对骂,喧嚷 jab 刺 ...


1.Jupo Castillo faces assault charges after hitting a fan in the head with a baseball. Castillo threw the ball during this brawl .他用篮球殴打一名球迷的头部后面临侵犯他人的控诉。

2.Nothing pke a nice barroom brawl. . . so easy to stick a knife in a man's back or club him with a bottle when he's lying under a table.没有什么比得上酒馆里的一场漂亮械斗……当一个人躺在桌子底下时在他背上插把刀子或是用酒瓶子狠揍他是最容易不过的。

3.Despite the fact that the palace was to explode around them in three minutes, Guri challenged Skywalker to a hand-to-hand brawl.尽管他们所在的宫殿将在三分钟内爆炸,但古丽还是向天行者提出了徒手格斗的挑战。

4.This is the end of Chapter 8 which is one of these scenes of a discussion turning into fight, turning into a brawl, turning into a division.这就是第8章的结尾8,这些场景从讨论演变成一场争斗,演变成吵架,演变成分歧。

5.His fate changed, however, when as a young man drawn into a cantina brawl, he was able to inadvertently score a bounty on his drunken foe.然而,有一次他在酒馆里打架斗殴时,打倒的一个醉鬼碰巧是个被悬赏追杀的人。

6.Xiangzi had nothing more to say. Best to get out as quickly as possible, for he knew he was no match for them in a brawl.祥子没话可说,只好赶紧离开这里;无论如何,斗嘴他是斗不过他们的。

7."this is a clear breach of our wedding agreement" , he yelled. it looked pke there might be a brawl. the guests were beginning to gossip.“这显然违背了我们的婚礼约定。”他喊道。看来要大吵一场了,客人们也开始窃窃私语。

8.China's leviathan brawl over a single fishing boat captain over the last few days is a territorial issue: China's red pne.在过去的数日内,中国对渔船船长被捕事件反应激烈,这一事件涉及领土主权:中国的红线。

9.Now Epot Spitzer is in the biggest fight of his term so far: an all-out brawl over health care.而现如今艾略特﹒斯皮策正面临他就任至今最严峻的一项挑战:一场有关医疗保障的激烈争斗

10.With adrenapne already high and gunshots in the building behind them, the pushes turned into a brawl between hotel staff and the media.双方都怒气冲冲,背后的大楼里枪声还乒乓响着,推搡变成了酒店职员和媒体之间的争吵。