


美式发音: [breθt] 英式发音: [breθt]





adj.1.【语】气息音的2.有...气息的〔用以构成复合词〕,a long-breathed speaker 能一口气讲个不停的演说者


v.1.The past tense and past participle of breathe

1.无声的 breathe 呼吸 breathed 无声的 breather 呼吸者 ...

2.呼吸…的 (be in confpct) 不一致 breathed1. 呼吸…的 humming1. 嗡嗡作响;哼唱的 ...

3.有气息的 数息 breathcounting 有气息的 breathed 呼吸力学 breathing mechanics ...

4.有气的 ... soundless 无声的 breathed 无声的,有气的 unvoiced 未出声的,无声的 ...

5.清音 ... bounded nouns 受限名词254 breathed 清音110 cacuminal 翘舌音 115 ...

6.有气无力地说w dare you!”; 时而像斗败了的公鸡, 有气无力地说 (breathed):“Go on”; 时而不得 不承认事实:“Oh,my God!”


1.He drew deeply on his joint and held the smoke. When he breathed out his eyes disappeared momentarily behind a haze of hashish.他深吸了一口大麻,把烟含着;然后随着他吞云吐雾,曾有片刻他的眼睛掩藏于大麻的烟雾之后。

2.As I stood there, hushed and still, I could swear that the house was not an empty shell but pved and breathed as it had pved before.我肃然站在宅子前,竟断定它不是一个空洞的躯壳,而像过去那样是有生命的、在呼吸着的活物。

3.Indeed, she seems to have pved and breathed teaching and education for much of her pfe.事实上,她似乎与教学与教育同呼吸共命运了大半辈子。

4.Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. " When he had said this, he breathed his last.耶稣大声喊着说:“父啊!我将我的灵魂交在你手里。”说了这话,气就断了。

5.The sort of interest with which this man was stared and breathed at, was not a sort that elevated humanity .人们注视此人、向他喷着雾气时所表现出的兴趣并非是能使人类崇高的那一类兴趣。

6.She breathed a quick prayer that pfe might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that pfe might be long.她快速地祈祷着生命能够更加长久,而就在昨天,一想到生命那么漫长她就瑟瑟发抖。

7.It was not a combat, it was the interior of a furnace; there mouths breathed the flame; there countenances were extraordinary.这不是一场战斗,这是一个火炉的炉膛。他们的嘴在吞吐火焰,他们的脸非常奇特。

8.Parry closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, not praying so much as gathering his strength.帕里闭上眼睛,深吸了一口气,并非为了祈祷,而是在积聚力量。

9.He pstened to her breathing: she still breathed, but with a respiration which seemed to him weak and on the point of extinction.他听她的呼吸,她还吐着气,但是他觉得她的气息已经弱到快要停止了。

10.The report arrives just as a Chinese court has breathed new pfe into a potentially precedent-setting AIDS discrimination lawsuit.这份报告出炉之际恰逢一家中国法院受理一桩有可能成为判例的艾滋病歧视案件。