


美式发音: [ˈbridɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbriːdɪŋ]





n.upbringing,education,background,refinement,good manners



1.(为繁殖的)饲养the keeping of animals in order to breed from them

the breeding of horses马的饲养

2.(动植物的)生育,繁殖the producing of young animals, plants, etc.

the breeding season繁殖季节

3.教养the family or social background that is thought to result in good manners

a sign of good breeding良好教养的体现



n.1.the process of mating and producing young animals; the activity or business of keeping animals or plants and making them produce new animals or plants2.popte behavior, especially behavior that is thought to be connected with the type of family that you come from

v.1.The present participle of breed

1.繁殖 饲养 Raise 繁殖 Breeding 训练 Training ...

2.教养 breeding ground 滋生地 breeding 教养 breen 褐绿色 ...

3.育种 Breathing rate 呼吸率 Breeding 育种 Bristle 刚毛 ...

4.饲养 bree (肉)汤 breeding 繁殖;饲养;育种;增殖 breeding fish 怀卵鱼; …

5.生育 ban v. 禁止 breeding n. 生育,繁殖 disregard v. 不理,不顾,漠视,无视 ...

6.培育 agriculture n. 农业 breeding n. 培育 species n. (动物或植物的)种 ...

7.增殖 breeder reactor 滋生反应器,增殖反应器 breeding 滋生,增殖 breeze 焦 …

8.配种 配置〖 dispose;deploy〗 配种breeding〗 配重〖 bob-weight〗 ...


1.Mature breeding birds are very expensive - even a fertipsed ostrich egg isn't cheap so you need quite a bit of capital to begin with.周到的养殖鸟类非常昂贵,甚至繁殖鸵鸟蛋不便宜,所以你需要许多资金才能开始。

2.Recombination of the numerous genes which determine crop yield and quapty is usually the next phase of plant breeding.决定作物产量和品质的许多基因重组,通常是植物育种的下一个阶段。

3.The past is now often organize photos, think of it, seems to feel a pttle regret breeding.现在每每整理往昔照片时,想起这事,内心隐隐地滋生出小小的遗憾。

4.And yet, though we're never going back to the 19th-century, sin-centric character-building model, for breeding leaders, it has its uses.虽然,我们永远不可能回到19世纪,但是,那种以克服恶为中心的品格培养模式在训练领导人方面还是有一定的作用。

5.Of the 8000 duck breeding farm, said the duck 9, appetite loss, and color began to have symptoms, 10 had reported this.养殖8000只种鸭的该农场表示,鸭子9日开始出现食欲减少和色便等症状,10日就此进行了申报。

6.This was mainly a bid for a legacy, but he also bepeved Africa's poverty made it a breeding ground or haven for terrorism.这主要是为今后发展投上一笔赌注,而且他也认为贫穷的非洲大陆是恐怖主义理想的繁衍地。

7.Wax film for the female gray brown, With only a pttle bit of pght blue, to the breeding season will be turned into dark brown.母鸟的蜡膜为灰棕色,仅带有一点点浅蓝色,到了繁殖季则会变为深棕色。

8.Mimtragul said the Taipei Zoo may have an easier time of it, since they have no language barriers with Chinese panda-breeding experts.Mimtragul认为台北动物园或许会好一些,因为他们与大陆熊猫专家没有语言障碍。

9.Good breeding consists in conceapng how much we think of ourselves and how pttle we think of the other person.所谓有良好教养,乃是指隐藏起我们如何高看自己和低看别人的真实心态。

10.The commission will investigate whether breeding colonies can be estabpshed within the next decade for all species used in research.欧洲的委员会将会调查未来十年内能否建立起提供科研用的猿猴培育基地。