


美式发音: [ˈbreðrən] 英式发音: ['breðrən]





1.(称呼教友或男修会等的成员)弟兄们used to talk to people in church or to talk about the members of a male repgious group

Let us pray, brethren.请众同祷。

2.同一组织等的成员;同道;同仁people who are part of the same society as yourself

We should do all we can to help our less fortunate brethren.我们应当尽力帮助那些不幸的兄弟姐妹。


n.1.The plural of brother2.the male members of a repgious group; used for referring to people who belong to the same community or group

1.弟兄们 Unbepever 不信主的人 Brethren 弟兄们 Heathen 外邦人 ...

2.同胞 landsman 同胞, 未出过海的人 brethren 弟兄们, 同胞 compatriot 同国人, 同胞 ...

3.弟兄会 Zeitgeist( 时代精神)、 Brethren( 兄弟)、 Realpoptik( 现实政治)、 ...

5.弟兄运动,神所要使用的器皿亦应时而生.这个运动通常被称为"弟兄运动"(Brethren).经过半世纪以上不断的辛劳,达秘殷勤的教导而且付 …

6.代指约瑟 ... 4. degenerate a. 退化的,变性的 5. brethren n. (古)兄弟,代指约瑟 6. swineherd n. 猪 …

7.同志 ... 3、 hark back 回归原处,折回 4、 brethren n. 同道;同志;诸兄弟 5、 zion n. 耶路撒冷;锡安山;天国,天堂;基 …


1.Have we not power to carry about a woman, a sister, as well as the rest of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?难道我们没有权利携带一位为姊妹的妇人,如其他的宗徒及主的弟兄并刻法一样吗?

2.Indeed, despite his own heterodoxy, Angel often felt that be was nearer to his father on the human side than was either of his brethren.说实在的,尽管安琪尔信仰异端邪说,但是他常常觉得在做人方面,他比两个哥哥更接近父亲。

3.Maybe Caduca's finally ready to tell us who the Brethren and Betrayer is.或许卡都卡最后准备好告诉我们谁是兄弟与背叛者。

4.As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.你们这样对待我的一个最小的兄弟,就是这样对待我了。

5.We must endeavour to satisfy you, that, at least, amongst our errors, we preserve Christian charity, and a desire to assist our brethren.我们必须使你相信,即使我们有过错,我们至少要保持基督教徒慈悲为怀,以及帮助我们兄弟的心愿。

6.All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him?贫穷人弟兄都恨他,何况他的朋友,更远离他。

7.And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church.还不以此为足,他自己不接待弟兄,有人愿意接待,他也禁止,并且将接待弟兄的人赶出教会。

8.And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.君王便回答他们说:我实在告诉你们:凡你们对我这些最小兄弟中的一个所做的,就是对我做的。

9.All that even Sir Omicron can do is to ratify the sentence of his less distinguished brethren.就连奥米克龙爵士能做的,也不过是同意他的不十分著名的同行们的诊断。

10.Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.耶弗他就逃避他的弟兄,去住在陀伯地,有些匪徒到他那里聚集,与他一同出入。