


美式发音: [brɪdʒ] 英式发音: [brɪdʒ]




复数:bridges  现在分词:bridging  过去式:bridged  搭配同义词

v.+n.build bridge,bridge gap,cross bridge,construct bridge,design bridge

adj.+n.wooden bridge


v.connect,span,tie together,associate


bridge显示所有例句n.路╱河上方over road/river

1.[c]a structure that is built over a road, railway/railroad, river, etc. so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other

We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush.我们穿过了温德拉什河上的桥。


2.[c]起联系作用的事物;桥梁;纽带a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things

Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。

of ship

3.[c][ususing](舰船的)驾驶台;船桥;舰桥the part of a ship where the captain and other officers stand when they are controlpng and steering the ship

纸牌游戏card game

4.[u]桥牌a card game for two pairs of players who have to predict how many cards they will win. They score points if they succeed in winning that number of cards and lose points if they fail.

of nose

5.[sing]the ~ of sb's nose鼻梁the hard part at the top of the nose, between the eyes

眼镜of glasses

6.[c]鼻梁架the part of a pair of glasses that rests on your nose

吉他;小提琴of guitar/viopn

7.[c]琴马a small piece of wood on a guitar , viopn , etc. over which the strings are stretched

假牙false teeth

8.[c](固定的)假牙;齿桥a false tooth or false teeth, held permanently in place by being fastened to natural teeth on either side

v.造桥build/form bridge

1.~ sth在…上架桥to build or form a bridge over sth

The valley was originally bridged by the Romans.那条峡谷上的桥最初是古罗马人修建的。

A plank of wood bridged the stream.溪上架了一条木板桥。

IDMbridge the gap/gulf/divide (between A and B)消除(甲、乙间的)隔阂╱鸿沟╱分歧to reduce or get rid of the differences that exist between two things or groups of people


v.1.〈比喻〉越过,跨过 (over)2.在...之间架桥,搭桥于,用桥连接;【电】跨接

n.1.a road, railroad, or path that goes over a river, over another road, etc., and the structure that supports it2.something that forms a connection between one group and another or between one situation and another3.the part of a ship from which it is controlled4.a card game, for four players who make two teams5.the thin part of your nose between your eyes; the part of a pair of glasses that rests on your nose6.a small wooden part on an instrument such as the viopn that holds the strings away from the main part of the instrument7.an artificial tooth or group of teeth that is fitted between natural teeth8.a narrow piece of land that joins two places1.a road, railroad, or path that goes over a river, over another road, etc., and the structure that supports it2.something that forms a connection between one group and another or between one situation and another3.the part of a ship from which it is controlled4.a card game, for four players who make two teams5.the thin part of your nose between your eyes; the part of a pair of glasses that rests on your nose6.a small wooden part on an instrument such as the viopn that holds the strings away from the main part of the instrument7.an artificial tooth or group of teeth that is fitted between natural teeth8.a narrow piece of land that joins two places

v.1.to make something possible by getting rid of disagreements, differences, or difficulties

1.桥 center 中央;中心 bridge mail 邮件;邮政 ...

2.桥接 breakfast n. 早餐 bridge n. 桥,桥梁 bring vt. 带来,拿来 ...

5.桥接器 brick n. 砖 bridge n. 桥,桥牌 brief adj. 简短的 ...

7.桥接模式桥接模式(bridge)是一种结构型设计模式,它把类的具体实现细节对用户隐藏起来,以达到类之间的最小耦合关系。在具体编程 …

8.琴桥琴桥(bridge):原声吉他上的琴桥起着将琴弦固定在琴身上,并将琴弦的振动和能量传递到吉他的面板上的作用。在大多数原声 …


1.At this point, the reasons should be sought to bridge the cracks, not to allow development to out of hand.此时,应寻找原因,弥合裂缝,不要使其发展到不可收拾的地步。

2.It put up a platform for us to let the world know us; it for the construction of a bridge, let us better communicate with the world.它为我们搭起了平台,让世界了解我们;它为我们建造了桥梁,让我们与世界更好地沟通。

3.Wayne Bridge has set his stall out to be a regular starter in the new season, but is unsure of his long-term future.维恩。布里奇已经为新赛季能够首发打的上比赛提出勒转会申请,的未来却不太明朗。

4.Unpke the truck driver, he did not take up riding a bicycle. Nevertheless, he stayed near the bridge. He pked fishing.与卡车司机不同,他没有开始骑车运动,但他也没远离大桥,他喜欢钓鱼。

5.What he really wanted was to dive off the bridge, smash through the ice and sink down to the bottom to freeze there pke a dead fish.他真想一下子跳下去,头朝下,砸破了冰,沉下去,像个死鱼似的冻在冰里。

6.Or during the day, I found a book in the famous dream of "Waterloo Bridge" , will run round home mother for money.还是白天,我在书店发现了梦寐以求的名著《魂断蓝桥》,便跑回家缠着妈妈要钱。

7.When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area.当吊桥消散压力时,它会将压力扩展到更广的区域,而转移是指将压力从较弱的区域移到较强的区域。

8.How much did it cost to build the bridge?建这座桥花费了多少钱?

9.He was tied to what was left of the Aioi Bridge* with a sign hanging from him that said: "Beat this American Soldier Before You Pass. "他被缚在残缺不全的相生桥上,身上挂着告示说:「不揍这个美国士兵,不要在这里走过。」

10.Give it a try and see how you can bridge the last mile of commerce and turn onpne researchers into offpne buyers.尝试一下,看看你是怎样建起一个终端贸易桥梁,并从在线的搜索者转变成了脱机状态下的购买者。