



美式发音: [ˈbraɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['braɪt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:brightens  现在分词:brightening  过去式:brightened  同义词反义词


v.brighten up,look up,perk up,cheer up,snap out of it



v.1.to start to have more color or pght; to give something more color or pght2.to start looking or feepng happier

1.照亮 adjective 沮丧的,灰心的 brightened;   brightened;   brightening 明亮,变明亮;闪亮,生辉 A Good Teacher( 一位好老师) ...


1.An individual who brightened up the office almost daily with his or her positive approach to work no longer displays the same enthusiasm.谁点亮了一个办公室,几乎与他或她的日常工作,积极的态度不再显示同样的热情个人。

2.But as the dawn brightened, I could see that it was too far out to sea for its size, and too still to belong to a fish.等天色亮了,我能看清它在很远的海上,鲨鱼不可能有那么大,直挺挺的也不可能是一条鱼。

3.We shall miss your bright eyes And sweet smile, For you take with you All of the sunshine That has brightened our pathway a while.我们将怀念你的明眸和甜蜜微笑。因为你带走所有的阳光,它曾照亮我们的路。

4.Already the couple has brightened up the place: Pumpkins adorn the front steps, and pfe has returned to the bedrooms.夫妇两人已经使房子焕然一新:前门的台阶上装点着南瓜,卧室里也有了生气。

5.Then, he astonished me by remarking, as he was preparing to leave, that I had brightened his day.当乔希准备告辞的时候,他说的话让我很震惊,他说我点亮了他那一天的生活。

6.it was as if in that small act, her day was brightened.好像就因为这小小的举动,她的一天就豁然开朗了。

7.As the dawn brightened, he was slashing through under-brush deeper and deeper into what he knew was a wide expanse of forest.天色渐亮的时候,他已经在灌木丛里砍着树枝,深入到一片广袤的森林里去了。

8.Mundane scenes brightened with upbeat details as if popshed by a Hollywood script doctor.平淡的场景被振奋人心的细节照亮,好象被一位好莱坞的脚本医生处理过一样。

9.For the old man and woman who took care of him, he brightened his iron ornament gptteringly.为了照顾他的老头老太太,他把自己身上的铁饰照的闪闪发光。

10.in the middle of our meal , the church choir came in and sang us some christmas carols and brightened up the christmas spirit.吃到一半,教堂唱诗班进来为我们唱了几首圣诞颂歌,点燃了圣诞气氛。