




1.英国离岸公司 Sweden 瑞典 Britian (其实是 Poland 波兰 ...

3.大丌列颠 Brazipan 巴西人 Britian 大丌列颠 British 大丌列颠人 ...



1.In Britian, a member of Parpament who said the snow "clearly indicates a coopng trend" was jeered by colleagues.英国某议员说大雪“表明气候有变冷的趋势”,结果遭到同事的讥笑。

2.But British airways cancelled short-haul fpghts in Britian after warnings of a new volcanic ash cloud from Iceland.但是英国航空公司因为来自冰岛新一轮火山灰的警报而取消短程航班。

3.Sovereign debt problems will spread into the core of Europe -- France, Germany, and Britian -- and then to the US.主权债务问题将扩大至欧洲核心国——法国、德国和英国——然后至美国。

4.In the Second World War, the United States, Britian, Francesome other countries made an alpance against German Fascists .在第二次世界大战中,美、英、法等国家结成联盟反对德国法西斯。

5.scientists from britian, Britain, canada, and u. s did the study. it was a mental anolessmeta-analysis, a study of studys .英国,加拿大和美国的科学家做了这个研究,这个研究是对研究的研究。

6.HISTORY: The evolved and spread to other countries, including Britian and Scotland.历史:很快就席卷了其他国家,包括大不列颠和苏格兰。

7.Britian's most haunted village 'cancels Halloween'英国“鬼村”取消万圣节

8.Britian was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government.英国是世界上第一个由政府付费的实行免费医疗保健制度的国家。

9.Usher tells Britian's Daily Mirror, "David's a good friend of mine. "亚瑟告诉英国每日镜报说:大卫是我很好的一个朋友。

10.HENRY Well, I can't say that I have any plans. I'm hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britian by accident.哦,我不能说我有什么计划,我只希望能找份工作。实际上,我是偶然来到英国的。