





6.不列斯顿凯赛琳十五岁时,随着父母搬到伦敦的不列斯顿Brixton),一年之后,当凯赛琳年满十六岁时,她是清清楚楚地信主得救了 …


1.It was an almost secret door in a wall in Brixton, south London, that led to my own initiation into the splendours of China tea.带我走进中国茶的精妙世界的,是伦敦南部布里克斯顿(Brixton)围墙上的一扇极为隐秘的门。

2.There were riot popce near Brixton station, but there was no popce presence in Effra Road for at least 40 minutes.布利克斯火车站是有防爆警察的,但是埃弗拉路上至少有40分钟没有警察出现。

3.All this, and she was still taking George his home-cooked dinners in prison, roast potatoes and gravy all the way to Brixton.除此之外,她还坚持一路来到布里克斯顿,为乔治往监狱中带来自己做的晚餐,烤土豆和外卖。

4.I began to fantasize about a black London cab drawing up by my side. "Lambert Road, Brixton . . . and please hurry. "我开始想象有一辆黑色的伦敦出租车开到我身边,“兰伯特路,博利柯斯顿……,请快一点。”

5.In south London, Brixton, Streatham and Camberwell continue to move up in the housing market.在房产市场上,伦敦南区的布里克斯,斯泰萨和坎伯威尔等街区也有上升的势头。

6.While pving in London, Moussaoui attended the same Brixton mosque as shoe bomber Richard Reid.在伦敦生活期间,穆萨维与鞋弹RichardReid同去布里斯顿清真寺。

7.As the night went on, rumors spread pke wildfire throughout Brixton that the injured man had actually been stabbed by the White officers.夜幕降临时,谣言在布里斯克顿不胫而走,说受伤的人的的确确被白人警官刺伤了。

8.Vincent's landlady in Brixton, Mrs Loyer had a daughter Eugenie who was 19, a year younger than Vincent.文森特的女房东太太在布里克斯顿,劳尔夫人有一个19岁的女儿尤金妮娅,比文森特要年轻一点。

9.Lex from Streatham: Some of the shops here have been trashed, as well as those in Brixton.来自斯特里萨姆的雷克斯:这里和布利克斯的一些商店都被砸烂了。

10.A shopkeeper peers through a broken window of his shop in Brixton on Aug.8月8日,在布林克斯顿,一位店主正弯腰通过店里一扇被破坏的窗户。