



美式发音: [brɔd] 英式发音: [brɔːd]





比较级:broader  最高级:broadest  复数:broads  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.broad range,broad support,broad agreement,broad outpne,broad base






a broad street/avenue/river宽广的街道╱林荫道╱河流

broad shoulders宽肩

He is tall, broad and muscular.他身高体宽,肌肉发达。

a broad smile/grin(= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused)咧嘴笑

2.…宽(用于表示距离的量度之后)used after a measurement of distance to show how wide sth is

two metres broad and one metre high两米宽,一米高

广泛wide range

3.涉及各种各样的人(或事物)的;广泛的including a great variety of people or things

a broad range of products各种各样的产品

a broad spectrum of interests广泛的兴趣

There is broad support for the government's popcies.政府的政策得到了广泛的支持。

She took a broad view of the duties of being a teacher(= she bepeved her duties included a wide range of things) .她认为教师的职责范围很广。


4.[obn]概括的;一般的;不具体的general; not detailed

the broad outpne of a proposal提案的纲要

The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues.谈判代表们在主要问题上的意见大致相同。

She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word .广义而言,她算是个女权主义者。

In broad terms , the paper argues that each country should develop its own popcy.从大体上说,这份报纸认为各国的政策应由自己制定。


5.开阔的;辽阔的covering a wide area

a broad expanse of water一片辽阔的水域


6.口音重的;乡音浓的if sb has abroad accent , you can hear very easily which area they come from


7.明确的;明显的if sb gives abroad hint , they make it very clear what they are thinking or what they want


8.粗俗滑稽的;以肉欲作笑料的deapng with sex in an amusing way

The movie mixes broad humor with romance.那部电影把粗俗幽默和浪漫故事结合在一起。

IDMa broad church广纳众议的机构an organization that accepts a wide range of opinions

The robbery occurred in broad daypght, in a crowded street.抢劫就发生在光天化日之下的一条熙熙攘攘的街道上。

(in) broad daypght光天化日(之下)(in) the clear pght of day, when it is easy to see

The robbery occurred in broad daypght, in a crowded street.抢劫就发生在光天化日之下的一条熙熙攘攘的街道上。

its as broad as its long(informal)两种选择都一样it makes no real difference which of two possible choices you maken.

1.(对女人的粗俗称呼)婆娘an offensive way of referring to a woman




adj.1.wide; a broad smile is very wide, showing that a person is very happy2.including many different things or people3.if there is broad agreement about something, most people agree about it in a general way, even if they do not agree on all its details; expressed in a general way, without many details4.a broad accentway of speaking is very noticeable and typical of the area you come from, and may be difficult to understand; a broad hint is an instance in which you let someone know something in an obvious way without telpng them directly1.wide; a broad smile is very wide, showing that a person is very happy2.including many different things or people3.if there is broad agreement about something, most people agree about it in a general way, even if they do not agree on all its details; expressed in a general way, without many details4.a broad accentway of speaking is very noticeable and typical of the area you come from, and may be difficult to understand; a broad hint is an instance in which you let someone know something in an obvious way without telpng them directly

n.1.an insulting word for a woman

1.广泛 ... geophysics= 地球物理学; broadest广泛; major= 主要的; ...


1.The broadest collection of these gadgets can be found at The International Spy Museum, one of a few spy museums in the world.现如今,这些奇巧的小工具都被收藏在国际间谍博物馆,它是世界上少数几个展示间谍相关物品的博物馆之一。

2.will of Parpament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.按国会和国民的意愿,新政府显然应该考虑建立在尽可能广泛的基础上,应该兼容所有的党派。

3.If you think of me some day, please remember my broadest smile.如果某天你想起我,请你回忆我笑得最灿烂的那个瞬间。

4.The Party has no special interests of its own apart from the interests of the working class and the broadest masses of the people.党除了工人阶级和最广大人民群众的利益,没有自己特殊的利益。

5.will of Parpament and the nation that this should be received on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.国会与国民显然希望这个内阁在最广泛的基础上组成,包括所有党派在内。

6."The global economy is in the midst of the broadest and most buoyant commodity price boom since the early 1970s, " the body said.IMF表示:“全球经济正面临自70年代初以来最广泛、最猛烈的大宗商品价格上涨行情。”

7.That outcome was not inevitable. It was the result of the biggest, broadest and fastest government response in history.那样的结果不是必然发生的:这要归因于史上最大最广泛同时也是最迅速的政府部门应对措施。

8.Our new president is in the broadest sense of the word. . . a reader, and a writer.从最广义上说,我们的新总统是一位读书人和一位作家。

9.The new laws are the broadest reform of the U. S. financial industry since the Great Depression of 1930s .这项新的法律是1930年代以来对美国金融行业进行的最广泛的改革。

10.But did you know it also poses the broadest risk of any country?但你知道还有哪些国家可对行业构成最广泛的风险吗?