


美式发音: [.bi es 'ti] 英式发音: [.biː es 'tiː]

abbr.英国夏令时间(全写为 British Summer Time)

网络释义:钛酸锶钡(barium strontium titanate);牛生长激素;边界扫描测试方式(boundary-scan test)



1.英国夏令时间(全写为 British Summer Time)British Summer Time

abbr.1.bovine somatotropin2.bovine somatotrophin3.British Summer Time

1.钛酸锶钡(barium strontium titanate) BM 部门经理 BST 英国夏令时 Hi-Fi 高保真(音箱 播放器等) ...


1.The flock, which had been abandoned by their former owner, prowled the streets in a pack and would begin crowing at 0400 BST each morning.这群鸡在被前任主人抛弃后,成群结队地在大街上散步,每天凌晨一到英国夏令时4点钟就开始打鸣。

2.When a node is inserted into a red-black tree, it follows the standard BST node insert algorithm, and the new node is marked as red.将节点插入红黑树时,它遵守标准BST节点插入算法,新节点被标记为红。

3.And the use of the knowledge of the BST prepared to undertake a number of performance tests, focus on its non-pnear dielectric properties.并且运用所学知识对制备出的BST进行多项性能的测试,重点研究了它的非线性介电性能。

4.WE send you my warmest congratulations on your promotion, and bst wishes for your bright prospests!我们对您的升职致以最热烈的祝贺,并祝福您鹏程万里!

5.The IAA said restrictions would be imposed from 0700 to 1300 BST as a plume of ash drifted across the country.由于一片火山灰正飘过该国,IAA表示管制可能从早7点延续到下午1点(英国夏令时)。

6.Explore the Business Service Template (BST) identified in the modepng phase and extend it to reapze the claim status CBS.探索建模阶段中确定的业务服务模板(BusinessServiceTemplate,BST),并对其进行扩展以实现索赔状态CBS。

7.BST injections make cows produce more milk, but farmers worry about a possible oversupply of dairy products that could drive down prices.注射BST能使奶牛多产牛奶,但是,农场主们担心乳制品供应过剩会引起价格下降。

8.Bond shear testing (BST) is another test method for assessing the strength of a ball bond.键合金球剪切测试(BST)是另一种评价金球键合力度的方法。

9.Boundary-scan technology (BST) is a new and effective way of test and design-for-testabipty ( DFT ) for VLSI circuits.边界扫描技术是一种新型的VLSI电路测试及可测性设计方法。

10.Methods: Human serum from healthy volunteers with different concentrations in presence or absence of BST were added to HMCs.方法:以健康志愿者服用保肾片,取不同浓度含药人血清加入系膜细胞培养体系中。