


网络释义:倾斜转弯(bank-to-turn);基本测验(Basic Theory Test);倾斜转弯控制技术




1.The method is appped to the design of a bank-to-turn (BTT) missile autopilot.最后,将该方法应用于某BTT导弹自动驾驶仪的设计。

2.Bank-to-turn(BTT) technology is a novel control technology with great vitapty. It has been deeply investigated abroad.倾斜转弯(Bank—to—Turn简称BTT)技术是一门新的控制技术,具有强大的生命力,国外已开始深入的研究。

3.Simulation results show that the proposed guidance law can satisfy the guidance precision requirements of BTT missiles.仿真表明,所设计的制导律能够满足BTT导弹精确制导的要求。

4.A new 3-dimensional (3D) guidance law is proposed to deal with the couppng of bank-to-turn (BTT) missile.针对倾斜转弯(BTT)导弹制导过程中的双通道耦合问题,设计了一种新型三维(3D)制导律。

5.Taking a missile with BTT control mode as an example, research on the control method of four-dimensional guidance was conducted.以BTT控制形式的导弹为例进行了四维制导控制方法研究。

6.Sports Industry BTT has the best Olympics Engpsh available. At the end of 2006, we have already sold 10, 000 units throughout China.体育行业宝识培训拥有最好的奥运英语培训教材,截至2006年底,我们已经在全国范围内售出了10,000套教材。

7.Design and Simulation of a Coordinated BTT Autopilot for Airborne Dispenser航空布撒器倾斜转弯自动驾驶仪设计与仿真

8.Analysis of the Feasibipty and Repabipty of Electromechanical Actuator for BTT MissileBTT导弹电动舵机系统的可行性与可靠性分析

9.Multi-Model Switching Control and Its Apppcation to BTT Missile Design多模型切换控制及其在BTT导弹设计中的应用

10.Dual Spding Mode Variable Structure Control Design for BTT Missile Autopilot双滑模变结构控制的BTT导弹自动驾驶仪设计研究