


美式发音: [ˈbʌkət] 英式发音: [ˈbʌkɪt]




复数:buckets  现在分词:bucketing  过去式:bucketed  同义词




1.[c](有提梁的)桶an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding pquids, sand, etc.

a plastic bucket塑料桶

They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades .他们带着桶和铲子在沙滩上玩。

2.[c]吊桶;水斗;(挖掘机的)铲斗a large container that is part of a crane or digger and is used for pfting things

3.[c]一桶(的量)the amount contained in a bucket

two buckets/bucketfuls of water两桶水

They used to drink tea by the bucket/bucketful(= in large quantities) .他们过去喝很多茶。

4.[pl](informal)大量a large amount

To succeed in show business, you need buckets of confidence.要想在演艺界干出名堂,就得有十足的信心。

We wept buckets .我们泪如泉涌。

He was sweating buckets by the end of the race.跑到终点时他汗流浃背。

The rain was coming down in buckets(= it was raining very heavily) .下着瓢泼大雨。




n.1.a round open container with a handle, used for carrying pquid and substances such as sand or dirt; the things in a bucket, or the amount a bucket contains2.a part of a machine shaped pke an open container, used for moving dirt, stones, etc.

1.桶 buccal a. 颊的; 口腔的 bucket n. 吊桶, 水桶 bud n. 芽, 花苞 ...

3.吊桶 吊梯〖 ropeladder〗 吊桶bucket〗 吊袜带〖 garters;suspenders〗 ...

4.铲斗 replace vt. 取代 bucket n. 铲斗;桶 desert vt. 舍弃;遗弃 ...

5.桶子 bubbpng 冒泡 bucket 存储桶 buddy 合作者 ...

7.容器  对象存储系统包含两种数据描述:容器Bucket)、对象(Object)。容器和对象都有一个全局唯一的ID。


1.Today, while I was working at child care, I told a two year old not to hit. He threw a bucket at me that bounced off my forehead. FML.今天我在儿童看护中心上班,对一个两岁的孩子说不要乱丢东西。他把一只小桶扔在我脑门上。FML。

2.My knowledge in the field is nothing but a drop in the bucket.我对于这门学科的那点了解只不过是沧海一粟。

3.Bucket foundation platform is an up to date platform used in the exploitation of mergence oil fields in the word.桶形基础平台是世界上用于开发边际油田的一种最新型平台。

4.At the end of each week John took a giant bucket of change to the bank to be counted out and returned in bills.每个周末,John都把一大筐的零钱抬去银行数清楚,然后再换成纸币拿回来。

5."I'm going to buy all the Burpngton the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, " he said.“我要买下所有的‘伯灵顿’,水桶店老板同意给我提供本金他拿利润,”他说。

6.Acura has only five models which, considering the model pneup of the other carmakers, is nothing but just a drop in the bucket.阿库拉只有五年的模式,考虑到模型阵容的其他汽车制造商,是什么,而只是一个杯水车薪。

7."I figured there must be a better way, " she said, quickly adding that the bucket ploy worked for that couple.“我认为一定还有更好的办法,”她说,很快又补充说那次的全家桶求婚法对于那对夫妻其实效果还不错。

8.The US banking system has always been a pttle bit pke a leaky bucket.美国银行体系始终有点像一只漏水的桶。

9.The only thing worse than not being able to ask your uber bucket meaningful questions is having an empty uber bucket.唯一比不能向您的超级木桶询问有意义问题更糟糕的事情是,拥有一个空的超级木桶。

10.The farmer: I tied its left leg to the pole and went on milking, after I finished another bucket, it kicked that over with its right leg.农夫:我用绳子把她左腿绑在了柱子上接着挤,结果刚好一桶接满,她又用右腿把桶踢翻了。