


美式发音: ['bʌkaɪ] 英式发音: ['bʌkaɪ]







1.鹿眼树,七叶树(产于北美洲)a N American tree that has bright red or white flowers and produces nuts

2.(橙棕杂色的)眼形斑翅蝴蝶an orange and brown butterfly with large spots on its wings that look pke eyes

3.(informal)俄亥俄州人a person from the US state of Ohio



n.1.somebody who comes from Ohio2.a prickly or smooth fruit of a tree or bush of the horse chestnut family, or the large shiny brown poisonous seed it contains3.the tree or bush that produces buckeyes.

1.七叶树30002074 拍摄时间: 文冠果,学名:Xanthoceras sorbifopa Bge.。

2.巴克艾 鲍克斯博罗机场 BOXBOROUGH 巴克艾 BUCKEYE 巴克艾机场 BUCKE…

3.橡树 "藓苔植物"," Bryophyta" "七叶树类"," Buckeye" "造材"," Bucking" ...

5.七叶树俄亥俄州人 ... crazy: 发疯的,疯狂的 buckeye: 七叶树俄亥俄州人 subconscious: 潜在意识 ...

6.巴克耶 商标文字: 利富康 REFCOMP 商标文字: 巴克耶 BUCKEYE 商标文字: 舍库 SKOGHALL ...


1.On the buckeye swings has wonderfully, the entire summer's evening looks pke the wave to sway.七叶树上荡秋千有多美妙啊,整个夏天的傍晚都像波浪在摇晃。

2.The state of Ohio is in the midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts .俄亥俄州位于美国的中西部地区。它的别名是七叶树州,源于一种树的名字,可以结出类似栗子的坚果。

3.In 1998, he followed up those wins with the US and Canadian National titles as well as the Ohio Buckeye Champion Stalpon title.1998年,他跟随那些与美国和加拿大全国冠军以及俄亥俄七叶树冠军种马称号胜。

4.The capital of the "Buckeye State" is Columbus, and, not surprisingly, the state tree is the buckeye.(BuckeyeState)的首府是哥伦布(Columbus),而它的州树则是(毫不令人感到意外的)七叶树。

5.The buckeye does not grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here.七叶树没有在新英格兰生长,这里也难得听到模仿鸟。

6.It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.俄亥俄州以七叶树命名,叫做“七叶树之州”。七叶树结出的果子与坚果类似。

7.It subsequently purchased Buckeye Pipepne and several other mature, taxpaying companies so that carry-forward could be used.它随后购买了七叶树管道和几家其他成熟付税公司以批转。

8.Planning for the 2008 Buckeye Classic is underway!为2008七叶树之类经典著作计划是在进行之中的!

9.Ohio has offered Sears $400m to move to the Buckeye State.俄亥俄州向西尔斯公司提供4亿美元来引诱其搬到自己州去。

10.the ohio buckeye speed league , inc . opens its races to skaters from all clubs , states , leagues , and regions俄亥俄七叶树之类速度联盟公司从所有俱乐部,状态,联盟,和区域打开它的赛跑到溜冰者。