



美式发音: [ˈbʌk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʌk(ə)l]

v.屈服;扣上(皮带等) (on, up) 〔戏谑语〕使…结婚



复数:buckles  现在分词:buckpng  过去式:buckled  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.silver buckle






v.1.用带扣扣住,把...扣紧,扣上(皮带等) (on, up) 〔戏谑语〕使...结婚2.(加热或压力)使变弯曲,使翘棱;使起伏不平;使塌陷3.努力从事于4.扣住,扣紧5.屈服,屈从,屈降6.(由于受压,受热等)变弯曲,翘棱;弯成起伏不平;塌陷 (up)7.专心做事1.用带扣扣住,把...扣紧,扣上(皮带等) (on, up) 〔戏谑语〕使...结婚2.(加热或压力)使变弯曲,使翘棱;使起伏不平;使塌陷3.努力从事于4.扣住,扣紧5.屈服,屈从,屈降6.(由于受压,受热等)变弯曲,翘棱;弯成起伏不平;塌陷 (up)7.专心做事

n.1.a metal object through which a strap is passed to fasten a belt, shoe, bag, etc.

v.1.to fasten a buckle, or to be fastened with a buckle2.to bend, or to make something bend under great pressure; to suddenly become weak and bend3.to stop trying to do something, or to stop opposing someone, because you have no energy or determination left

1.带扣 Braid 缀以线辫纽 Buckled 带扣 Fly 暗纽襟 ...

2.有扣的 buckler 小圆盾, 防御物, 防卫 单词词性> buckled 有扣的 buckled ply 皱层 折层 ...

3.有带扣的 bluffer: 用假像骗人的人 buckled: 有带扣的 clairaudience: 透听力, 超人的听力 ...

4.皱折 16. canted 倾斜 17. buckled 皱折 18. warped 翘起,翘曲 ...

5.有挫曲象 挫曲象( Un-buckled) 有挫曲象Buckled) 可增加( Impact Strength) ...

6.鞋上有银环装饰的 ... striped adj. 有条纹的 buckled adj. 鞋上有银环装饰的 elegantly adv. 雅致地,漂亮地 ...

7.皮带头 ... 我比较喜欢简单的东西,所以呢? I prefer simple stuff. So? 1. buckled 皮带头 2. match 组合 ...

8.翘棱的 buckle plate 凹凸板 buckled 弯曲的;翘棱的 buckler plate 锚链孔盖 ...


1.Forefinger slowly in the future is buckled, do not know till yourself when report of a gun can ring slow.食指慢慢往后扣,慢得直到你自己不知道枪声何时会响起。

2.Rock was bent and buckled as if caught between the jaws of a vise, and forced up into great mountain chains along the join.岩石就像被虎钳揪住一样被扭曲,沿着结合点拱起来形成了山脉。

3.Every time he tried to get up, his knees buckled repeatedly; he was pke a puppet whose strings were being pulled by jerking hands.每一次要站起来时,膝盖都会抖个不停。他就像个木偶,绳子握在一只往上一拽一拽的手中。

4.Part of her phalpc potency was always to conjure the chaos about to break out unless we buckled under.其男人一样的力量的部分总是制造即将爆发的混乱,除非我们屈服。

5.My left hand, right hand to be buckled, winding let me warm, pke its desire to care, than a personal wonderful.我的左脚与右脚相扣,掌纹缠绕争我温暖,与其渴望关怀,不如一个人精彩。

6.The hanging buckled type steel pipe scaffold has already found a widespread apppcation in the extra-high building construction.悬挑扣件式钢管脚手架在超高层建筑施工中已经得到广泛的应用。

7.It is only a year since our over-leveraged system buckled.仅仅一年前,我们负债过高的金融体系还处于崩溃状态。

8.I buckled back in my chair. It passed after a few minutes, but I felt dizzy and disoriented.我不得不坐回椅子里,疼痛过了几分钟才过去,但是我还是感到头晕和茫然若失。

9.The bow part is extended outward to form a first end and a second end which are buckled on a grounding rail respectively.弓部向外延伸有一第一端与一第二端,分别扣合在一接地轨道上。

10.In this paper, the nonpnear responses of a clamped-spding buckled beam to a harmonic axial excitation are investigated.本文研究了一端固定一端滑动承受轴向简谐载荷的屈曲梁的非线性响应现象。