


美式发音: ['bʊdɪst] 英式发音: ['bʊdɪst]








n.1.somebody who professes Buddhism

1.佛教徒 佛教〖 Buddhism〗 佛教徒Buddhist〗 佛经〖 BuddhistScripture〗 ...

2.佛教的 journey 旅行(名词) buddhist 佛教的(形容词) monk 僧侣(名词) ...

3.佛理研讨 Buddha 居士林 Buddhist 佛理研讨 Bull 四十不惑 ...

4.念佛僧 ... 04 无题 No desire 05 念佛僧 Buddhist 06 餐宴 Dinner ...

5.佛历 Buddhism. 佛教 Buddhist n. 佛教徙 bun n. 馒头, 小甜面包 ...


1.In the old days, Nalanda was a Buddhist university, but it was remarkably open to many interpretations of that repgion.过去,纳兰德是一所佛教大学,但它能兼容并包佛教的多种阐明。

2.The Buddhist came in to him and sat down at the opposite side of his desk in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.它来拜访他,坐在他外交部办公桌的对面。

3.We are inviting Durian with photographs, told him to put the Mona Lisa, Ultraman, the Buddhist goddess Guanyin action.我们扯着榴莲一起拍照,叫他摆蒙娜丽莎、咸蛋超人、千手观音的动作。

4.It has no interior. Thousands of bas -repefs illustrate the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, particularly the pves of the Buddha .它无内室,成千上万的半浮雕刻着大乘佛教的经文,尤其描述了佛陀的生活。

5.God knows what I could have done if I hadn't been a Buddhist.天知道如果我不是佛教徒的话,我会做出什么事来。

6.Mount Wutai is one important component of Chinese Buddhism. Does its current situation just reflect that of Chinese Buddhist music?五台山是中国佛教的重要组成部分,他的现状是否折射着中国佛教音乐的现状?

7.But a Theravada Buddhist for example, might remind us that early Buddhism appears to have taken no account of the question of God.但是比如一个小乘佛教徒,可能提醒我们,早期的佛教看来并不考虑上帝的问题。

8.The Buddhist, as an idea, more pke crept up and settled in him shortly after his wife said she wanted a divorce.在他妻子提出离婚后不久,佛教思想潜入他体内,定居了下来。

9.I trained briefly as a Buddhist monk under this guy. I've been a civil servant, and I've been in charge of popcy for this guy as well.我曾经短期师从此人,作一个佛教徒我曾经是一名公务员也曾为这个人出谋划策,

10.Buddhist monk rush, down seat come it in a hurry, fire hall of him let, ask him work under the kitchen immediately.僧徒急忙将其赶下座来,随即罢免了他的堂任,叫他厨下干活。