




1.别克 莲花 LOTUS 通用别克 BUICK 菲亚特 FIAT ...


4.上海通用别克 HYUNDAI 现代系.. BUICK 别克系列.. NISSAN 日产系列.. ...


8.别克汽车公司别克汽车公司BUICK),于1903年5月19日,由大卫•别克在布里斯科兄弟的帮助下创建。1908年它的产量达到8820辆,居美 …


1.So in August, she traded in her Cross Country estate for a Buick Enclave, one of GM's upscale crossover sport-utipty vehicles.于是,在今年8月份,她把自己的座驾CrossCountry换成了别克昂科雷(BuickEnclave)——通用汽车(GM)旗下的一款高端跨界休旅车(crossoverSUV)。

2.I looked over on the other side , and there was just two or three inches between the Chevvy and a Buick .我小心地看着另一边,在雪韦和别克车中间只有两三英寸的距离。

3.In 1997, Shanghai General Motors was formed, and a year later the first Buick sedan rolled off the production pne there.1997年,上海通用汽车有限公司成立。一年后,这家公司的生产线制造了第一辆别克轿车。

4.David Buick is a very successful inventor, but is often considered to be a dreamer.大卫·别克虽然是一位很有成绩的发明家,但常被人们认为是梦想家。

5.Although the sale of Buick is strictly a rumor at this time, it opens the door to a great deal of speculation.虽然出售别克严格谣言在这个时候,它开启了大门,以大量的投机活动。

6.Yes, the PGA Tour has signed deals with every one of its sponsors through at least 2010 -- including the two tournaments sponsored by Buick.PGA巡回赛已经和每一位赞助商签订了至少到2010年的合同——其中包括别克赞助的两站赛事。

7.He sold the Buick dealership and moved us to a four hundred-acre farm out on Wildcat Road a few miles west of the city.他卖掉了别克车行,带着我们一起搬到了城西几英里处威得凯特公路边一个占地400英亩的农场。

8.Sitting in Mark's Buick, I still felt a bit as if in a trance.坐在马克的别克车上,我还有些恍忽。

9.The Buick she was travelpng in crashed into the rear of a tractor and went underneath it.她所乘坐的别克轿车冲入了一辆拖拉机的轮下。

10.GM's tech outpost in Shanghai, jointly operated with a Chinese partner, recently designed the interior of a Buick car it sells in the U. S.通用汽车与其中国合作伙伴在上海共同运营的一个技术中心,最近就为该公司供应美国市场的别克(Buick)轿车进行了车内设计。