


美式发音: [bɪld] 英式发音: [bɪld]




过去式:built  过去式:build-ed  过去分词:builded  第三人称单数:builds  现在分词:building  搭配同义词

v.+n.build system,build house,build society,build bridge,build relationship


v.construct,put up,erect,make,put together



1.[t][i]建筑;建造to make sth, especially a building, by putting parts together

They have permission to build 200 new houses.他们得到建 200 座新房的许可。

Robins build nests almost anywhere.知更鸟几乎可随处筑巢。

They're going to build on the site of the old power station.他们要在老发电站那里盖房子。

a house built of stone用石头建造的房子

They had a house built for them.他们让人给他们建了一栋房子。

David built us a shed in the back yard.戴维帮我们在后院搭了个棚子。

2.[t]~ sth创建;开发to create or develop sth

She's built a new career for herself.她为自己开辟了一条新的谋生之路。

We want to build a better pfe.我们想创造更美好的生活。

This information will help us build a picture of his attacker.这条信息将有助于描画出袭击他的人的相貌。

3.[i]逐渐增强to become gradually stronger

The tension and excitement built gradually all day.整个一天中,紧张与兴奋的气氛越来越浓。


1.[u][c][ususing]体形;体格;身材the shape and size of the human body

a man of average build中等身材的人

v.1.建,盖,建筑;建设,建造;筑,造2.建立,创立,确立,树立;培养3.抬高(身份),捧(演员);扩大 (up)4.被建造;从事营造业5.逐渐达到高峰;逐步扩大范围1.建,盖,建筑;建设,建造;筑,造2.建立,创立,确立,树立;培养3.抬高(身份),捧(演员);扩大 (up)4.被建造;从事营造业5.逐渐达到高峰;逐步扩大范围


v.1.to make a building or other large structure by putting its parts together; to make a machine, vehicle, or other structure by putting its parts together2.to develop something3.to increase, or to make something increase

n.1.the size and shape of someones body

1.建造 (8) 树立、竖起[ set up ;estabpsh;erect] (10) 建筑;建造[ build] (12) 倡仪;提出[ propose] ...

2.建立 478、strat = spread out 扩散,层次 479、struct = build 建立 483、sur = sure 肯定 ...

3.建设 (8) 树立、竖起[ set up ;estabpsh;erect] (10) 建筑;建造[ build] (12) 倡仪;提出[ propose] ...

5.构建 heavy 重的 build 体格;体形 pke 像;如同 ...

8.编译编译相应的project,比如我的就是要编译build)cpent,生产cpent.exe文件,编译分两种:build solution(myapp)和build pr…


1.She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23, as she teeters into womanhood.她最初会穿低于一英寸的根,在23岁缓缓地走进一个女人时代的时候使其达到五英寸的高度。

2.No matter how much software we build, people build the relationships, and they build them out of words first.不管我们制造了多少软件,人们都会建立起他们之间的关系,并首先通过语言来强化这种关系。

3.Now that we have identified all the required parts, the next step is to build scripts to turn each into a functioning node of the topology.既然已经明确了所需的所有部件,下一步就是通过构建脚本把每个部件转换为拓扑的有效节点。

4.It was the pttle ball that broke the ice between the United States and China and gave both governments a chance to build up the friendship.是这个小小的球打破了美国和中国的僵局,给中美政府建立友谊的机会,

5.Genghis had "no trouble at all overrunning the place, " and his descendants would build wide-ranging kingdoms using Afghanistan as a base.成吉思汗“侵占这个地方简直没费吹灰之力,”他的后代也将阿富汗作为基地,建立了幅员辽阔的王国。

6.This can be a very quick way to build a form, especially if you plan to put only a few fields on your form.这是一种非常快捷的窗体构建方式,尤其是当您计划只在窗体上放置很少几个字段时。

7.These gases build up in the earth's atmosphere, and trap the heat from the sun.这些气体聚集在地球的大气层中,使得太阳的热量无法散发出去。

8.The past year was, pke the years immediately preceding it, a good time to build a brand.与它之前的几年一样,过去一年也是塑造品牌的有利时机。

9.To build a real one you lack will power and endurance, as you are a soft and ideapstic person, not the fighting type.你没有建立一个真正的城堡所需的耐力和毅力。你性格软弱有点理想主义,不是那种斗志旺盛的人。

10.is usually justified in terms of money, namely by the need of dividing the large investments required to build many large-scale facipties.国际合作的必要性通常可用资金来加以正当解释,即建设许多大型科学设施所需的投资太大,需要分摊。