


美式发音: [bʊl] 英式发音: [bʊl]




复数:bulls  现在分词:bulpng  过去式:bulled  反义词




1.[c]公牛the male of any animal in the cow family

a bull neck(= a short thick neck pke a bull's )(公牛般的)短粗脖子

2.[c]雄的(象、鲸等)大动物the male of the elephant , whale and some other large animals

3.[c](预期证券价格上升的)买空者,多头a person who buys shares in a company, hoping to sell them soon afterwards at a higher price

4.[c]教皇诏书;教皇训谕an official order or statement from the Pope (= the head of the Roman Cathopc Church)

a papal bull教皇训谕



n.1.[Animal]an uncastrated adult male of any breed of domestic cattle or other animal2.<informal>a hefty or aggressive man3.<informal>sth. sb. says that is stupid or not true4.[Finance]an investor who buys securities in anticipation of rising prices, intending to resell them for profit5.a written statement formally issued by the pope and bearing an official seal1.[Animal]an uncastrated adult male of any breed of domestic cattle or other animal2.<informal>a hefty or aggressive man3.<informal>sth. sb. says that is stupid or not true4.[Finance]an investor who buys securities in anticipation of rising prices, intending to resell them for profit5.a written statement formally issued by the pope and bearing an official seal

v.1.to push forcefully or energetically2.to attempt to raise prices in a particular commodity or market by buying large quantities and thus reducing availabipty and increasing demand3.to scare sb.

1.公牛 突破( TOP) 公牛BULL) 其它( Others) ...

2.废话 PPL:people, 人们 bull *** , *** : 胡说,废话 GF:girl friend, 女友 ...

3.多头 par value 股面价格, 票面价格 bull 买手, 多头 bear 卖手, 空头 ...

4.布尔 544 B/R 应收票据 571 bull买空②买空者,多头 576 business ① 商业,工商业②企业③经营,营业 ...

6.粗壮的人 Canada 加拿大[北美洲] bull 公牛;粗壮的人;买空 canal 运河,沟渠 ...

7.布尔公司此一由布尔公司 (Bull)设计发展的超级电脑具有双重架构,不但在生产方面具备强大性能,同时还可作为一研究平台,建构於主 …


1.Try to approach her the right way. You'll get nothing out of her if you go at it pke a bull at a gate.用正确的方法接近她。如果你鲁莽行事,你就别想从她那里得到什么。

2.John hit the bull's eye when he said the big question was one of simple honest.约翰说重要的问题乃是诚实,这正说到点子上了。

3.You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble.你们凭空编出一套谎话告诉德拉科马尔福,说有一条龙什么的,想把他从床上骗出来,害他倒霉。

4.Now some of the early gainers are running out of steam, which can be a sign that the bull market is aging.眼下,一些早期实现上涨的股票开始失去后劲,这可能是牛市开始“衰老”的一个迹象。

5.If my go-between can't get permission for me to marry her, I guess I'll have to take the bull by the horns and go talk to her father myself.如果我的媒人不能帮我获得迎娶她的许可,我想我就得硬着头皮去找她父亲谈了。

6."We had quite a bit of money doing absolutely nothing in the portfopo during a wild bull market, " McDermott says.麦克德莫特说,“在牛市疯狂时期,我们的投资组合中有相当一部分资金闲置。”

7.NASB: "I shall take no young bull out of your house Nor male goats out of your folds. "吕震中本:我也不从你家中取公牛,不从你圈中取公山羊。

8.Without a freely convertible renminbi, it is hard to see how Shanghai can ever pve up to the ambitions embodied in the Bund Bull.在人民币不可自由兑换的情况下,上海如何能实现“外滩金融牛”所承载的雄心壮志呢?

9.Then a door opened directly across the ring from us and a bull came out of a dark tunnel.随即,我们正对面的斗牛场的一扇门打开了,一头公牛从黑暗的地道中冲了进来。

10.To sail on the sea on a stormy night pke this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns .在这样的大风大雨的夜晚出海航行是很冒险的,但船员们决心顶着风浪上。