





1.新干线火车 veteran 老手,经验丰富的 bullet trains 子弹头列车 countdown 倒计时 ...

3.高速火车 bullet n. 子弹 bullet trains 高速火车(尖头) set out 着手进行 ...

4.高速列车 Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者 bullet trains 高速列车 In bewilderment: 茫然不知错 ...

5.高铁列车 航空母舰 = aircarft carriers 高铁列车 = bullet trains 摩天大楼 = skyscrapers ...

6.新干线火车交通费用统( CMS )、最低利润保证制( MGPD )、高速火车法bullet trains )、快速获得市场信息( QMI )、六个西格玛质量 …


1.Although many countries around the world now have bullet trains, the United States still has no high-speed train system.虽然世界上很多国家都引进了高铁,但美国仍没有高铁。

2.At Tokyo Station, the city's main departure point for long-distance bullet trains, was no more crowded than usual on Thursday afternoon.东京火车站是从这座城市乘坐长途子弹头列车的主要出发点,周四下午并不比平时显得更加拥挤。

3.It even invested in Japanese-style bullet trains, rolpng out a rail network admired around the globe.西班牙甚至还投资于日式的子弹列车,准备推展一个遍及全球的铁路网络。

4.As annoying as those kinks may be to consumers, at least cars don't travel at the super high speeds bullet trains can reach.这些故障固然有可能让消费者恼火,但至少汽车不用跑出子弹头列车能够达到的那种超高速度。

5.The plans called for a network to be built extending 16, 000 km by 2015 and for China to build state-of-the-art bullet trains.这个计划提倡到2015年建设16000公里的铁路,并建造中国的子弹头火车。

6.The introduction of bullet trains on other routes harassed fare increases and a reduction in cheaper regular services.其他高铁线路的开通致使票价的大幅提高和既有线更便宜的普通车的停运。

7.High-speed trains are often called bullet trains, even though they don't travel nearly as fast as a bullet fired from a gun.“动车”常被称作bullettrain,尽管速度并不真像子弹那么快。

8.A video shot by a passenger of a weeping attendant on one of the bullet trains stranded on Sunday has gone viral.一段由一位乘客拍摄的视频正在网上疯传,视频显示的是周日停运的高铁内的一位正在哭泣的乘务员。

9.Bullet trains were a symbol of China's leap towards modernity, so the crash and scandals have been about more than safety.高速列车曾经是中国快速奔向现代化的标志,就此而言,撞车和丑闻的影响已超出安全性的范畴。

10.DRUNKEN salarymen tottering home after a night's karaoke are as much a feature of modern Japan as sushi bars and bullet trains.卡拉OK欢唱一夜后,酩酊大醉的公司职员踉跄地回到家中,这幅情景和寿司吧和新干线列车一样,都是现代日本社会的标志。