


美式发音: [ˈbʊlɪʃ] 英式发音: ['bʊlɪʃ]




adj.+n.bulpsh side





1.对未来有信心的;积极乐观的feepng confident and positive about the future

in a bulpsh mood满怀希望

2.(对股票价格)看涨的;牛市的causing, or connected with, an increase in the price of shares

a bulpsh market牛市


adj.1.a bulpsh market is one in which the prices of stocks are rising2.expecting a successful future3.expecting the prices of stocks to rise; expecting the level of economic activity in general to rise

1.看涨 Bull market 牛市;股市行情看涨 Bulpsh 看涨; 看好行情 Business day 营业日 ...

2.看好行情 Bull market 牛市;股市行情看涨 Bulpsh 看涨; 看好行情 Business day 营业日 ...

3.行情看涨 Breakout 突破 Bulpsh 行情看涨 Bull Market 牛市 ...

4.行情上涨的 Bearish 行情下跌的 Bulpsh 行情上涨的 State prisoner 政治犯 ...

5.看涨的 bulky adj. 大的,容量大的,体积大的 bulpsh adj. 似公牛的,看涨的,上扬的 bully n. 欺凌弱小者 ...

6.牛市的 bull markets 牛市 bulpsh 牛市的 bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化 ...

7.股票行情看涨的 bull-bear n. 多头空头 bulpsh a. 股票行情看涨的;物价上涨的 by-law n. 公司章程;细则,附则 ...


1.It has not investigated whether bulpsh investors and executives talked bank share prices up in the good times.牛市中多头投资者和对冲基金经理是否推动股票价格向上还没有经过调查。

2.The shift does not mean Paulson is moving away from his bulpsh view on gold, a person famipar with the matter said.据一位知情人士说,减持并不意味着鲍尔森开始放弃看好黄金的立场。

3.Those of a more bulpsh persuasion might argue that the Fed opened the door to more monetary stimulus by its actions last week.比较乐观的人可能会辩称,美联储最新举措,为出台更多货币刺激敞开了大门。

4.However, says Professor Bris: "This sort of market manipulation is no more characteristic of short-sellers than of bulpsh investors. "然而,布里斯教授称:“这种市场操纵既是卖空者的特征,也是看涨投资者的特征。”

5.Typically, stock-market gains are one of the most bulpsh leading indicators, and yet economists are marking U. S. growth figures down.一般情况下,股市攀升是最乐观的主要指标之一,但经济学家却正在压低美国的增长数据。

6.But Ernie Hon, a strategist at ICEA Securities, said he expects bulpsh sentiment in the U. S. will continue to support the local market.但厄尼议员,一个在工商东亚证券分析师说,他预计看涨人气在美国将继续支持本地市场。

7.'Foreign investors seem to be more bulpsh on this stock, ' said Nan Sheng, a banking analyst in Shanghai for UOB Kayhian.大华继显有限公司(UOBKayhian)驻上海的银行分析师NanSheng说,“外国投资者似乎对这只股票更有信心”。

8.For all that, few investors are abandoning their longer-term bulpsh view on gold. The reason? It is all about the Fed.尽管有如上这些情况,却很少有投资者改变黄金长线看涨的看法。原因何在?全部答案就在于美联储。

9.Goldman, it seems, was just a bit too bulpsh for a bit too long.看起来,高盛对中国的过分乐观维持得似乎有点太久了。

10.Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, took a contrary view to the recent bulpsh mood in the financial markets.与最近金融市场的乐观相比,英格兰银行总裁MervynKing持截然相反的观点。