




1.小叶朴 朴树 C. sinensis 小叶朴 C. bungeana 紫弹朴 C. biondii ...

2.黑弹朴 紫弹朴 C. biondii 黑弹朴 C. bungeana 糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera ...

3.黑弹树 朴属 Celtis 黑弹树 C. bungeana 植物界 Plantae ...

4.硬阿魏 阿魏属 Ferula 硬阿魏 F. bungeana 植物界 Plantae ...

5.小叶梣 梣属 Fraxinus 小叶梣 F. bungeana 植物界 Plantae ...

6.河北木蓝 苞叶木蓝 I. bracteata 河北木蓝 I. bungeana 屏东木蓝 I. byobiensis ...

7.林繁缕 5 S. wushanensis 巫山繁缕 1 S. bungeana 林繁缕 2 S. nemorum 腺毛 …

8.长瓣繁缕 ... 繁缕属 Stellaria 长瓣繁缕 S. bungeana 植物界 Plantae ...


1.Observation on the microstructure of the pollen grains of Pinus -- discussion for the taxonomy position of Pinus bungeana.松属花粉的显微结构观察--对白皮松分类位置的探讨。

2.The natural resources were shared by populations in Pinus Bungeana community.白皮松群落中各种群对资源的利用呈现一定的共享趋势。

3.On the development of the male garnetohyte in Pinus bungeana and its systematic significance.白皮松雄配子体发育及其分类意义。

4.Determination of the content of corynopne in Corydaps bungeana Turcz and its compound Chinese medicinal preparations by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定苦地丁及其复方制剂中紫堇灵的含量

5.Conservation Genetics of Pinus bungeana--Evaluation and Conservation of Natural Populations'Genetic Diversity白皮松保育遗传学--天然群体遗传多样性评价与保护策略

6.Effect of short-term watering on photosynthetic characteristic and chlorophyll fluorescence of Stipa bungeana施水对本氏针茅光合作用和叶绿素荧光特征的影响

7.Photosynthesis characteristics and productivity of Stipa bungeana in loess plateau黄土高原本氏针茅光合特性及生产力的研究

8.Experiments on grazing methods and intensity on Stipa bungeana grassland in Southern Ningxia foothills宁夏南部丘陵山地长芒草草原类草场放牧方式与放牧强度试验

9.Effect of Antioxidation Enzyme Recovery System to the Winter Resistance of Pinus Bungeana Seedpngs抗氧化酶促防御系统对白皮松幼苗抗寒性的影响

10.Variation of dormancy characteristic of different Pinus bungeana seed sources白皮松种子休眠特性的种源变异