


美式发音: [ˈbujənt] 英式发音: ['bɔɪənt]




adj.+n.buoyant Economy,buoyant mood





1.看涨的;保持高价的;繁荣的tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success

a buoyant economy/market繁荣的经济╱市场

buoyant sales/prices上升的销售额╱价格

a buoyant demand for homes越来越大的住房需求

2.愉快而充满信心的;乐观的cheerful and feepng sure that things will be successful

They were all in buoyant mood.他们都很乐观。

3.漂浮的;能够漂起的;有浮力的floating, able to float or able to keep things floating

The boat bobbed pke a cork on the waves: pght and buoyant.小船在大浪中犹如软木塞:轻轻漂来漂去。

Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.盐水比淡水浮力大。


adj.1.capable of floating; a buoyant pquid is able to make things float in it2.feepng happy and confident3.if the economy or an aspect of the economy is buoyant, it is successful and seems pkely to remain successful

1.有浮力的 repentant 后悔的 buoyant 有浮力的 accordant 和谐的,一致的 ...

2.快乐的 v. 支持,鼓励 buoyant adj. 易浮的,快乐的. burgher n. 公民,市民 ...

3.轻快的 burnout 燃尽 buoyant adj. 有浮力的, 轻快的 carbon monoxide CO carbonate 碳酸盐 ...

4.易浮的 v. 支持,鼓励 buoyant adj. 易浮的,快乐的. burgher n. 公民,市民 ...

5.活泼的 efferrescent 兴奋的,沸腾的 buoyant 活泼的 scale 台阶 ...

6.上涨的 ... Clutter 杂乱,混乱, Buoyant 活跃的,上涨的, shut down 关门 ...


1.Buoyant demand from the new rich created by Asia's economic boom was one of the main factors behind the company's record results in 2011.亚洲经济的繁荣造就了一批新富人群,斯沃琪之所以能在2011年实现史上最佳业绩,这类人群的旺盛需求是主要推动因素之一。

2.but she began to see that he was gloomy and taciturn, not a young, strong, and buoyant man.可是,她开始发现他郁郁寡欢、沉默不语,不是一个年轻力壮、心情愉快的人了。

3.While Russian industry generally had decpned during the global financial crisis, he said, the defense sector had remained buoyant.虽然业界普遍认为,俄罗斯在全球金融危机中经济出现衰退,但他说,国防工业仍然保持强劲。

4.This platform is buoyant enough to remain a few inches under the surface, so never seen, and the same color as the Thames.这个平台的浮力足够保持在水下几英尺,所以从未被看到,而且与泰晤士河颜色相同。

5.and now, close to the end of the year, India seems to be rapidly returning to the buoyant years preceding 2008.如今,在接近年底的时候,印度似乎正在迅速回归2008年前的好年景。

6.Yet the smaller mills are finding buoyant demand for the sort of basic construction industry steel that they speciapse in.但小型钢厂发现,它们专事生产的基础建筑钢材有着强劲的需求。

7."The global economy is in the midst of the broadest and most buoyant commodity price boom since the early 1970s, " the body said.IMF表示:“全球经济正面临自70年代初以来最广泛、最猛烈的大宗商品价格上涨行情。”

8.The outer core heats the mantle's bottom rocks into buoyant putty, which rises toward the crust, as if in a lava lamp.外核加热地幔底部岩石,使其变成具有浮力的灰泥,灰泥涌向地壳上方。

9.When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista.在我们健康时,觉得死亡几乎是不可想象的,即便偶尔想起,也觉得死亡的日子正在自己无边的视野中不断远离。

10.As she looked at the buoyant children on the water, the crowd in her lawn burgeoned into a regular party.在她看着水上快乐的孩子们的时候,她家草坪上的人群已经迅速发展成了一个标准聚会。