


美式发音: [bɜrˈlesk] 英式发音: [bɜː(r)ˈlesk]





复数:burlesques  现在分词:burlesquing  过去式:burlesqued  同义词

v.send up,spoof,mock,take off,make fun of




1.[c]滑稽讽刺表演(或作品)a performance or piece of writing which tries to make sth look ridiculous by representing it in a humorous way

a burlesque of pterary pfe对文学生活的戏谑

2.[u]滑稽娱乐(曾经风靡美国,常伴有脱衣舞)a type of entertainment, popular in the past in the US, involving humorous acts, singing, dancing, etc. and often including striptease




n.1.a type of performance or entertainment that involves jokes, songs, and usually strippers2.a performance or piece of writing that makes something funny by repeating or performing it in a silly way

v.1.to represent a serious subject in a silly way in order to make people laugh


4.讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展 burlesque n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 burnish v. 擦亮,磨光 ...

5.蓓蕾时刻极好的音乐片 艶舞巨星 蓓蕾时刻(Burlesque) 舞娘俱乐部 2011-01-09 09:24:14| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 评 …

6.舞娘俱乐部电影原声带舞娘俱乐部电影原声带 (Burlesque) Burlesque (舞娘俱乐部) 立即播放 大人故事书 亚洲巡回演唱会影音全纪录 Joanna Wang ( …

7.滑稽歌舞杂剧滑稽歌舞杂剧Burlesque),19世纪60年代美国出现的一种舞台表演形式。滑稽歌舞杂剧与歌舞杂耍表演类似,但充斥着粗俗 …


1.She broke onto the New York club scene with her burlesque performances and was signed to Interscope Records by the age of 20.她曾经在纽约夜店里进行滑稽表演,20岁时同Interscope唱片公司签约。

2.By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing strip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary.迈克尔六岁时,杰克逊一家的演唱组混迹于脱衣舞俱乐部和低级表演场所——加里镇可以表演的地方屈指可数。

3.It would be contiguous with the theater, or with makeup, the ritual and burlesque ostentation of a sex whose own pleasure is absent.这会比邻于手术室,或者化妆品,性的仪式和滑稽的夸耀,但是缺乏快乐。

4.More recent writers than Irving have been unable to accept the idea that a serious style could grow out of a burlesque intention.甚至晚于欧文的作家也不认为诙谐文章能够产生严肃的风格。

5.Newly single Christina Aguilera appears on "Ellen" Friday to promote her new film, "Burlesque, " and she talks about the man in her pfe.前不久刚离婚的克里斯汀娜·阿奎莱拉现身“艾伦”星期五节目中宣传新影片“滑稽戏”,她还谈到了生活中的男人。

6.sort with its gorgeous metaphors, became in its burlesque moments a variant of the tall tale.政治演说,尤其是充满华丽比喻,宣扬国威的那一种,发展到可笑的程度,就成了荒诞故事的变体。

7.The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice .辩护律师们滑稽的动作将审判变成了对正义的滑稽的模仿。

8.From then on, he find time to see a circus, burlesque and theater, often pleased to laugh a happy mood so that he returns to the health.从此他抽空去看马戏,滑稽戏与戏剧,经常高兴的开怀大笑,愉悦的心情使他回复了健康。

9.Burlesque narrative of what happened when - one morning out of the blue - I lay an egg.关于所发生事的滑稽叙述——一天早上很突然地——我下了一个蛋。

10.His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy.他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个闹剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。