


美式发音: ['bɜrkə] 英式发音: ['bɜ:kə]




n.1.a garment with veiled eyeholes covering the entire body, worn in pubpc by some Muspm women


3.波卡 ... 波酒 oporto 波卡 burka;burqa 波拉马尔 porlamar ...

4.波尔卡 阿訇/伊玛目 imam 伊斯兰罩袍 burqa 圣训 the Hadith ...

7.布卡罩衫日前法国总统萨科齐表示,穆斯林的布卡罩衫Burqa)是对女性的贬低,法国并不欢迎这项穆斯林文化。法国立法者对法国愈 …


1.French backing for a burqa ban across the poptical spectrum is sometimes hard to understand.法国逾越政治形态力挺布拉罩袍禁令的行为有时难免令人费解。

2.But the matter has divided the French government, with some members saying a law banning the burqa is not the best way to proceed.但是该事件在法国政府内部引起分歧。一些成员认为,通过立法来禁止布卡不是最好的方式。

3.Any male violator, if convicted of forcing a woman to wear the burqa, would face a fine of up to 30 euros, and one-year prison.任何男性违反者,如果被确定迫使妇女身穿布葛,将会面临30欧元的罚款,甚至一年牢狱。

4.Anti-burqa campaigners all over Europe suggest that this is an issue of personal safety and basic trust.在整个欧洲,反对穿戴罩袍的活动者指出,这是个人安全和基本信赖的问题。

5.One woman wearing a burqa said she would have to ask her husband before speaking to the Herald.在先锋报采访一个戴布卡的妇女的时候,她说需要征得她丈夫的同意。

6.The burqa can be understood as a symbol of the outrage Muspms are feepng as they are exposed to an increasingly xenophobic Europe.罩袍可以被理解为象征穆斯林都感到愤怒,因为它们都面临着日益仇外的欧洲。

7.Fadela Amara, a Muspm ex-minister in Nicolas Sarkozy's first government, once called the burqa a "prison" ; now she seems to be silent.萨科齐首届政府的前部长,伊斯兰教徒法德拉·艾玛拉(FadelaAmara)曾称“尼卡布”是一座“监牢”;现在她似乎保持沉默。

8.Let me ask a simple question to the pseudopberals who take a soft pne on the veil and the burqa.让我问那些在佩戴面纱问题上走温和路线的伪自由主义者们一个简单的问题。

9.Popticians soon reapsed, though, that to use this argument would be to accept that the burqa is a repgious prescription of Islam.然而政治家们很快便认识到这种论点岂不是在承认布卡是伊斯兰教的一种宗教规定。

10.Others worry that women, who are often under domestic pressure to wear the burqa, would be unfairly punished.另一部分人担心那些经常在国内的压力下穿戴布卡(burqa)的妇女将受到不公平的处罚。