

bus station

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复数:bus stations  



1.公共汽车站;(尤指)长途汽车站the place in a town or city where buses (especially to or from other towns) leave and arrive


n.1.a building where buses start and finish their trips, or where buses that travel long distances stop to let passengers get on and off

1.一个公共汽车站 a four-room `flat 一个四居室的套间 a `bus-station 一个公共汽车站 car `keys 汽车钥匙 ...

2.公共汽车站 ... 58.a.蓝色的 visitor 59.n.公共汽车站 bus-station 60.n.物主,所有人 fly ...


1.In the video Jassim said she had to talk to one elderly woman several times before persuading her to blow herself up at a bus station.视频中,贾西姆说她不得不和某老妇人多次谈话,以劝说她在公共汽车站执行自杀爆炸。

2.She took me to the bus station and told me that if I ever wanted to come back I would be very welcome at the workshop.她把我送到公共汽车站,告诉我说如果我想回来,这个研习班随时都欢迎我。

3.She had waited at the bus station for days and had spent all her money trying to find Harry.为了找哈里她在汽车站等了好多天,花完了所有的钱。

4.It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.老汽车站是否应该被一个现代化的宾馆代替仍然在讨论之中。

5.He stood outside the bus station and reapzed he did not know where to go.当他站在汽车站外的时候,他才意识到自己无处可去。

6.You start walking to the bus station, and I'll catch up with you in a few minutes.你先去公共汽车站,我几分钟后会赶上你的。

7.When he arrived, he had walked half a mile to a bus station by himself and had been greeted by a handful of relatives.到达基苏木之后,还要走上班盈利到一个公共汽车站然后才能收到一群亲戚的欢迎。

8.Hung-chien and his colleagues wearily left the bus station and put up for the night at a small hotel nearby.鸿渐等疲乏地出车站,就近一家小旅馆里过夜。

9.Come out of the train station, go across the street, then you'll see a big bus station just across the road.走出火车站,到街对面,然后您会看到一个大的公共汽车站对面的道路。

10.But he was spotted by popce, who picked him up and took him to a bus station, the newspaper added, without providing details.报纸还说,但是,他被警察发现后被带上警车送到一个车站。报纸没有提供更多细节。