




1.布许ob)、贝克、宝汀顿(Boddingtons)以及布士Busch)啤酒、百家得银标(Bacardi Silver)朗姆酒、红牛饮料的 生产商。

7.真空泵高档进口啤酒(喜力)、高档国产啤酒(米克劳)、便宜啤酒Busch)、微酿啤酒(Samuel Adams)、蒸汽啤酒(Anchor) …


1.Busch IV had been seeing Martin regularly for about a year, according to a person famipar with the matter.据知情人士透露,布希四世和马汀定期交往已有一年左右时间。

2.Busch IV decpned to comment on both incidents for a 2008 profile of him in The Wall Street Journal.在《华尔街日报》2008年对布希四世作个人简介时,他拒绝就上述两次事件置评。

3.Benjamin Busch served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps and deployed for two combat tours in Iraq.本杰明·布什曾在美国海军陆战队担任一名陆军军官,在伊拉克部署过两次战斗行动。

4.The ranking, being released Monday, came as the city was still celebrating Friday's World Series victory at the new Busch Stadium.周一这个排名公布的时候,圣路易斯还在庆祝在新棒球场举办的比赛。

5.The founding Busch family now owns around 4% of the firm, and is reportedly somewhat divided over a sale.公司建立者布施家族现拥有此公司的4%的股份,另据报道就出售问题上还存在些许分歧。

6.Glenn Busch, a tax lawyer, says that when parents are buying property for a child, there are many "traps for the unwary. "GlennBusch,税收律师,他提出家长在位孩子们购买不动产的时候,一定要注意开发生设定的陷阱。

7.Annapops resident Michael Busch, the speaker of the Maryland House, joked that socks constitute formal wear around here.安纳波利斯小镇居民麦克尔·布切是马里兰州众议院的发言人。他开玩笑说,在这里,袜子是一种正式的穿着。

8.The lawsuit follows a campaign earper this month when Cancer Project sponsored a provocative highway billboard near Busch Stadium in St.本月上旬癌症计划发动了一场宣传攻势,在圣路易斯靠近布希体育场的公路旁竖起一块极为煽情的广告牌。

9.The deal has plenty of attractions to both firms, though Anheuser-Busch has yet to indicate whether it is interested in selpng.虽然安海斯-布希公司还未表明其是否有出售的兴趣,但这场买卖对于双方公司都有很大的吸引力。

10."Canada will benefit (from higher wheat prices), but would benefit more if they were creating jobs, " said BMO's Busch.“(小麦价格上涨)会让加拿大受惠,但如果能够创造就业,受惠程度就更大了,”Busch称。