




1.大忙人 “大忙人Busy Man)”是爱丁堡边缘艺术节总导演约翰•摩根(照片)的外号。


1.It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to think about other people's. I'm a very busy man. Good afternoon, gentlemen!一个人能清楚他自己该做什么就够了,用不着去考虑别人的事。我很忙,再见,先生们!

2.Mr. Yu didn't seem to be offended but he argued that he was an extremely busy man, and that state-run firms aren't what they used to be.于先生似乎并没有生气,不过他争辩说自己非常忙,国营公司和以往不同了。

3.For this busy man, it was a sort of alarm: after years of non-stop hard work, he might wear himself out and die an early death.对于这样一位忙碌的男士来说,它发出了这样的警告:经年累月不停的努力工作,他可能过度透支了自己,而这有可能会导致过早离世。

4.What a busy man! Well, Mr. Hong is expecting guests from Microsoft. He would be very happy and surprised to see you.您可真是大忙人啊。呃,洪主任正等着微软客人前来呢。待会儿他看到您亲自来,一定非常惊喜。

5.Mother: Clean up the mess in your room, Pedro. Pedro: I don't have the time, Mom. Don't you know I'm a busy man?妈妈:佩德罗,把你乱糟糟的房间打扫干净。佩德罗:妈妈,我没时间。您不知道我是个大忙人吗?

6."I am a rather busy man, Mr. Gibson, " said he, "and I have no time or taste for aimless conversations. I wish you good morning"“我很忙,吉布森先生,”他说,“我没有时间也没有兴味进行不着边际的讲话,再见吧”。

7.Santa's a busy man at this time of year. It's a good thing he still has his elf to help him.圣诞老人在每年的这个时候都十分忙碌,所以能有小精灵帮他一把真是太好了。

8.He is a busy man and can seldom indulge himself in a hopday.他是个忙人,难得有机会好好地度假日。

9.A busy man is plagued with one desire, but a lazy one with a thousand.忙人为一个理想而忙,懒人会为一千个欲望所困。

10."That's the challenge for Mr. Johnson because he is such a busy man all the time, " says Ho.“对于约翰逊来说这是一个挑战,因为他总是太忙了,”何医生说。