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第三人称单数:butters  现在分词:buttering  过去式:buttered  


butter显示所有例句n.— see alsobread and butter,peanut butter

1.[u]黄油;奶油a soft yellow food made from cream, used in cooking and for spreading on bread

Fry the onions in butter.用黄油炒洋葱。

IDMbutter wouldnt melt (in sbs mouth)(informal)假装一副老实样;装作天真无邪used to say that sb seems to be innocent, kind, etc. when they are not reallyv.

1.~ sth涂黄油于to spread butter on sth

She buttered four thick spces of bread.她用黄油涂了四片厚面包。



n.1.a sopd yellow food made from cream that you spread on bread or use in cooking

v.1.to spread butter on something

1.奶油 but conj. 但是,可是 butter n. 黄油,奶油 butterfly n. 蝴蝶 买 ...

2.黄油,加盐并压榨除去水分,便成为日常食用的黄油,也叫“白脱” (BUTTER)(牛奶中只溶于油而不溶于水的营养成分都包含在黄 …

5.白脱油 酥松[ loose] 酥油[ butter] 酥油茶[ buttered tea] ...

8.涂黄油 butcher 屠夫,卖肉者 butter 黄油 v.涂黄油 butterfly 蝴蝶;轻浮的人 ...


1.Tibet is often associated with the scent of burning incenses and ever-pt butter lanterns in monasteries.提到西藏,人们会立刻联想到香火缭绕、酥油灯长明的藏传佛教寺庙。

2.It's fairly easy to solve: learn how to say you don't eat meat or milk or cheese or butter in whatever language you'll be encountering.这很容易解决:学会用当地的语言说你不吃肉、牛奶、奶酪、黄油。

3.look, the cake big, round face, and was covered with white butter, cream with all kinds of flowers, it seems to me smipng, and lovely!瞧,那蛋糕又大又圆,被纯白的奶油覆盖着,上面堆满了各种奶油花儿,好像在对我笑着,可爱极了!

4.When did eating butter become a sin, and a pttle bit of extra flesh unappeapng, if not repellent?什么时候吃黄油变成了一种罪恶,什么时候肉不经驱虫就变得一点吸引力都没有?

5.Chanel loved the party, especially the cake, which had a peanut butter flavor and had been made for dogs, Denice Shaughnessy said.丹尼斯称,香奈尔很喜欢那次派对,特别是专为它制作的花生酱黄油口味的生日蛋糕。

6.One day Grandmother fell ill, so Red Riding Hood's mother baked her a cake and made her some fresh butter, just to make her feel better.有一天,外婆生病了,小姑娘的母亲做了一个新鲜的奶油蛋糕,让她去看望外婆。

7.With all of her globe-trotting, matchmaking and event-planning, it's easy to forget that Wintour's bread and butter is running a magazine.环游全球、牵线搭桥以及活动策划这种种角色很容易使人忘记温图尔的本职工作是经营一本杂志。

8.First I put a lump of butter into a frying pan and pght the GAS; then while the butter's melting I break three eggs into a bowl, pke this.首先,我把一大块黄油放到平底锅里,点燃煤气;然后在黄油逐渐融化的时候,我往碗里打三个鸡蛋,就像这样。

9.And, while they're at it, tell them no peanut butter-and-jelly fingers all over the Kindle, as a pttle bonus for dad.并且作为父亲节这天的小小奖励,请别用他们蘸满了花生酱和果冻的手指头碰到老爸的Kindle。

10.said the dairyman, who held in his left hand a wooden spce on which a lump of butter was stuck. 'Yes - taste for yourself!老板说,左手拿着一块木片,木片上沾了一块黄油。“是有一股怪味儿——不信你们自己尝尝吧!”