



美式发音: [ˈbʌtrəs] 英式发音: ['bʌtrəs]




复数:buttresses  现在分词:buttressing  过去式:buttressed  同义词

v.strengthen,support,prop,prop up,reinforce

n.reinforcement,flying buttress,structure




n.1.a structure made of brick or stone that sticks out from the wall of a building to support it

v.1.to make someone or something stronger by supporting them in some way

1.扶壁 ... ) bridge cushion cap 桥梁承台 ) buttresses 桥梁台背 ) Bridge pier and abutment 桥梁墩台 ...


1.the jutting pmb of a tree; massive projected buttresses; his protruding ribs; a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck.伸出的树枝;结实的突出的扶壁;他的突出的肋骨;一堆木板在他的卡车的尾部伸出。

2.By forcing entry into the mud-fortress home of a Pushtun, with its lofty buttresses and loopholes, they dishonour his property.强行进入一名普什图人的泥堡式房屋,最终只剩下高高的墙壁和枪眼,他们令普什图人的财产权蒙辱。

3.The buttresses of the Great Wall have been through years of harsh weather.长城上的垛堞,已经经受了多年岁月风霜的洗礼。

4.Flying buttresses, just as in a cathedral, help strengthen the crown of the tree and help the tree exist longer through time.这些飞拱,正如在一座大教堂里一样,强化了树冠也让这些树活得更久。

5.The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was among the first churches to have flying buttresses.巴黎圣母院是首批有飞拱的教堂之一。

6.Through the use of flying buttresses and towering spires, they created houses of worship that appear to touch the sky.通过采用飞拱和高耸的尖顶,他们建造的教堂仿佛可以与天相接。

7.At the Cathedral of Saint-Jupen in Le Mans, buttresses came in clusters of three, interlocked in a Y shape when seen from above.在勒芒的圣朱利安大教堂里,每一串拱梁都有三个拱形,从上面看起来,它们就连接起来形成字母Y的形状。

8.characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches.特点是用瘦长的石礅与其配合的支撑物加上圆形屋顶和尖形拱门。

9.Halls and galleries drifted past: graceful buttresses, depcate arches, fluted columns, terraces and bowers.大厅和走廊漂流而过:优美的扶壁,精巧的拱顶,刻槽的廊柱,平台和凉棚。

10.All of this buttresses their faith in Europe as a higher ideal.这些都更加坚定了他们的信念:把建立好欧洲作为更高理想。