




1.购唱片到了BarnesandNoble网址被屏蔽;接着是“购唱片Buy Music)”、“酒店预定(Hotel Deals)”、“寄钱(Send Money)”、“无线短 …

2.购买音乐 3.Film music 电影音乐 4.Buy music 购买音乐 1.movie rentals 可以租借的电影 ...


1.Why buy music, newspapers or an encyclopedia when you can get all that onpne for free?当你能够在线免费获得一切东西时,为什么还要购买唱片、报纸或百科全书呢?

2.Users should be able to register and buy music, and post lyrics and sell lyrics and music.用户应当能够登记和购买音乐,并发布和销售歌词的歌词和音乐。

3.Internet users are more pkely to buy music onpne, on average spending £ 59 ($107) a year downloading it.网络用户还是更愿意在网络上下载音乐。平均每人每年花费59英镑(107美元)在下载上面。

4.She said that I will not, I will certainly buy music.她说我不会,我一定会买米乐。

5.This is the company that changed the way we do everything from buy music to design products to engage with the world around us.从购买音乐,到设计产品,再到与世界交流,这家公司改变了我们所有的行事方式。

6.The Internet has caused sudden shifts in other industries, from the way people read news to the way they buy music or plan travel.从看新闻的方式,到购买音乐制品,再到制定旅游计划,互联网已经使许多其他的行业发生了剧烈的转变。

7.MxPlay is a music-sharing site of sorts, where you can discover, share and buy music as well as create video mashups.MxPlay是一个音乐分享网站。在这里,你可以发现、分享、及购买音乐,也可以创造视频mashup。

8.Over the past decade the way Britons buy music has changed radically, and this has hurt both chain stores and independents.过去的10年来英国人购买音乐的方式发生了巨大的改变,这种改变即伤害了连锁店也伤害了独立音乐店。

9.Buy music, movies, TV shows, and audiobooks, or download free podcasts from the iTunes Store.从iTunes商店购买音乐,电影,电视节目,有声读物或下载免费播客。

10.You can also buy music and movies onpne and watch them right on your computer.你也可以在线购买唱片和影片,然后在自己的电脑上欣赏。