




1.元件削减方法 1.1. By Trimming 元件削减方法 1.1.2. Non-Literal components 非实际元件 ...


1.Investment banks could recoup some of their forgone profits by trimming employee compensation, he said.他说,投资银行可以通过削减员工薪酬来部分挽回失去的利润。

2.He said that two-thirds of the cost could be met by trimming fat on federal programmes, but gave no new details.他指出三分之二的费用将由削减联邦计划支出来提供,但未提供详细信息。

3.The best way to trim down the amount of processor time the indexing service uses is by trimming down the amount of files being indexed.最好的方式削减数额处理器时间使用索引服务是修剪下来的金额被编入索引的文件。

4.Reduce pests without using chemicals by trimming away dying material, and housing plants in row covers or in a greenhouse.不用化学物质也可以减少害虫。可以修剪掉坏死的植株,覆盖或者在温室中种植。

5.The previous SPD-Green coaption sought to reduce joblessness by trimming unemployment benefits and deregulating the labour market.上一届的红绿联盟[3]曾试图通过削减失业救济并放宽劳工市场的管制来降低失业。

6.By trimming costs and improving service the hotel has now started to make a profit again.通过降低成本和提高服务质量,该饭店现在又开始赢利了。

7.Mr Obama would have been wiser to carve out resources for job creation by trimming back waste elsewhere.通过节俭其他方面的浪费,为创建工作开拓资源,对奥巴马来说很明智。

8.Even healthy companies responded by trimming balance sheets to repay debt and boosting cash reserves to cover immediate funding needs.即使是运营良好的公司也相应调降了资产负债规模,以偿还负债,同时还增加了现金储备,以满足即时的资金需求。

9.It follows calls by several Opec members for the cartel to comply with existing quotas by trimming output.在此之前,一些欧佩克成员国呼吁该组织通过削减产量,来遵守现有配额。

10.Low cost is assured by trimming and capbration at the wafer level.低的价格靠晶片水平上的微调和定标来确保。