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网络释义:中国汽车工业协会(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers);中国汽车制造商协会;中国汽车生产协会


abbr.1.certificate authority administration manager

1.中国汽车工业协会(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers) and designing twin sisters Ava and Eva Bai create...


1.Not once did anyone mention the Capital Asset Allocation Model, or any other technical areas of investment expertise.人们绝口不提资本资产配置模型(CAAM),也不提及其它任何一个投资专业技术领域。

2.How does Dongyang as the secretary general of CAAM think about emission target broken into auto production and consumption?关于我国减排的指标是否会分解到汽车的生产及消费环节?作为中国汽车工业协会的秘书长董扬又是如何考虑的呢?

3.Members of CAAM are pcensed physicians with a special interest in Aesthetic Medicine.中国汽车工业协会成员被授权医师在医学美容的特殊利益。

4.Overall vehicle sales, including cars, trucks and commercial vehicles, were forecast to rise by 5 per cent this year, CAAM said.中国汽车工业协会表示,今年总体汽车销售(包括轿车、卡车及商用车)预测增长率为5%。

5.Sales in China last year rose 46. 2% to 13. 6 milpon units, according to CAAM.中国汽车工业协会数据显示,去年中国汽车销售增长46.2%,达1360万辆。