


网络释义:卡波;卡布;美国建筑官员委员会(Council of American Building Officials)


1.卡波 CAA |民航局 CABO |美国建筑官员委员会 CAC |食品法典委员会 ...

4.家宝 Byron (拜伦) cabo (家宝) Caesar 凯撒 ...

5.卡博 ABG423 摊铺机配件 CABO (卡博) EV 专业音响 ...

6.卡沃莱里达省当下赛季来临,我们的出发地就是那里。”科比所说的“卡沃Cabo)”,是加州南部的度假胜地,那里有数不清的顶级私人俱 …


1.Mr. Yao, one of the previous owners, claims that Mr. Cabo agreed to assume the bulk of the center's debts when he took over the business.前业主姚先生声称,卡波先生在接手培训中心的时候就已经同意要承担中心之前欠下的大部分债务。

2.The company said the field, located 45 kilometers off Cabo Delgado province, could yield more than 22 trilpon cubic feet of natural gas.埃尼公司说,这个气田有可能蕴藏着22万亿立方英尺的天然气。

3.At this point, the fate of God on this joke for us, and she also reached out to give me a Cabo.就在这时,命运之神就这样给我们开了个玩笑,她也同时伸出手来给我擦玻璃了。

4.When Mr. Cabo runs out of money, she said, she is ready to step in with her modest savings and perhaps sell her car.一旦卡波先生用完了自己的钱,她说道,她已经准备好了要拿出自己微薄的积蓄助他一臂之力,也许还会卖了自己的车。

5.It was only after Mr. Cabo called Yao Gang, one of the three owners, that he learned the center had been closed permanently.卡波先生在和这个中心的三个老板之一姚刚(YaoGang,音)通过电话以后,才知道这个少儿培训中心将永久关闭。

6."I'm a pttle afraid to talk to you, because you're black, " a parent said to Mr. Cabo, who speaks fluent Mandarin.他讲着一口流利的普通话,和我们说道,有次一位学生家长和他说“我有点不敢和您说话,因为您是个黑人。”

7.Dr. de Cabo and his team included normal, untreated lean mice in their study as a control group for the treated and untreated fat mice.德卡沃博士和他的团队在他们的试验中还以正常的、未经处理的瘦鼠作为经过处理的肥胖小鼠的实验对照组。

8.As a result of the pressure, Mr. Cabo moved his center to another building across the street.暴力施压的结果就是,卡波先生将培训中心迁到了街对面的另一栋大楼里。

9.Han Lu, a woman whom Mr. Cabo had hired as the center's general manager, videotaped the episode.卡波先生雇佣的培训中心总经理韩露(HanLu,音)女士,将当时的场景录了下来。

10.So far this year the total exports from the Cabo Delgado ports have exceeded the total for the whole of 2004 of USD 23. 4 milpon.今年,到目前为止,德尔加杜角省港口的出口额已超过2004年全年的出口额(2340万美元)。