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复数:caches  现在分词:caching  过去式:cached  同义词反义词







n.1.a quantity of things that have been hidden, especially weapons; a place where things are hidden2.an area of a computers memory for storing information that is regularly needed

v.1.to hide weapons or other things

1.缓存 cdb_buddys 好友信息表 18. cdb_caches 缓存数据表 19. cdb_campaigns Insenz 活动表 …

3.高速缓存 Processors= 处理器 Caches= 高速缓存 Memory Modules= 内存模块 ...

4.高速缓冲存储器 ... * params string $cache_name 缓存文件的名字 * params string $caches 缓存的内容 //缓存内容$ cont…

7.代理缓存 浏览器缓存 Caches 代理缓存 Caches 参考文档和深入阅读 Referencing Reading ...

8.隐藏物通过300多万的隐藏物caches)(根据Geocaching网站数据),一个庞大的用户库,和令人映像深刻的iPhone应用程序,这个 …


1.A database comppcates the matter, because it caches some disk writes, which may result in an inconsistent snapshot.数据库使问题复杂化,因为它缓存了一些磁盘写操作,这可能会生成一个不一致的快照。

2.Thrawn also began to secure secret caches of cloned agents throughout the galaxy, ready to answer his call.索龙也开始在全银河秘密安插克隆人特工,让他们随时待命。

3.The Best Practice is to look at your performance architecture with new eyes and see if you can benefit from very large in-process caches.最好的做法就是用新眼光来审视一下你的性能架构,看你能否从大型的进程内缓存获益。

4.After half a year after the general caches, almost undetectable wine of sulfide, make the existing pquor irritating greatly repeved.一般经过半年的窖藏后,几乎检测不出酒中硫化物的存在,使白酒的刺激性大大减轻。

5.This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches.这个请求无法被发送到服务器的起源或任何母公司缓存。最有可能的原因是,这个错误。

6.Because of this, it is possible for data in the near caches to get out of sync both with each other and the main ObjectGrid cache.鉴于此原因,近缓存中的数据相互之间可以不同步,与主ObjectGrid缓存也可以不同步。

7.This way, every component of a certain type would get its own reference cache that won't confpct with any other component's caches.通过这个方法,每个特定类型的组件将得到其自身的缓存引用,而不会与任何其它组件缓存有冲突。

8.On target machines that have instruction caches, GDB requires this function to make certain that the state of your program is stable.在有指令缓存的目标机上,gdb需要这一函数,以确定你的程序的状态是稳定的。

9.The company setups up a NAS-pke local device that caches data from its encrypted cloud storage for faster performance.该公司创建了一个类网络储存器的本地设备来缓冲其加密云存储数据以提供较高速的性能。

10.The data access provider downloads the name of the current mirror server, Partner_C, and caches it as the current failover partner name.数据访问接口下载当前镜像服务器Partner_C的名称,并将其缓存为当前故障转移伙伴名称。