


美式发音: 英式发音: [kə'djuːsɪəs]

n.(罗马神话中传信天使 Mercury 的)双蛇杖




n.1.(罗马神话中传信天使 Mercury 的)双蛇杖;(美国陆军军医部队的)双蛇杖标记

n.1.in classical mythology, a winged staff entwined with two serpents, the symbol of Hermes or Mercury and associated with the Greek god of heapng, Asclepius2.a symbol of the U.S. Army Medical Corps and various other medical organizations that is modeled on Hermes' caduceus.

1.神使之杖 神属权杖 Divine Scepter ⑤ 神使之杖 Caduceus ⑤ 长矛 Spear ③ ...

2.双蛇杖头戴著插有羽翼的帽子,脚上穿著插有羽翼的鞋子,手持双蛇缠绕的魔杖(Caduceus),它具有催眠的作用,有一次宙斯吩咐 …

5.超执刀.真的是把 …

6.羽毛杖 ... 002100 = CHAIN SAWD 电锯 002200 = CADUCEUS 羽毛杖 002400 = MAGICAL PIECE …

7.商神杖 帕德嫩神庙 parthenon 商神杖 caduceus 砷 arsenicum ...


1.Caduceus The wand of Mercury, associated in our day with the medical profession, has been a lucky tapsman for thousands of years.墨丘利的节杖墨丘利的节杖,当今医务界的象征,数千年来一直是幸运的护身符。

2.Although the specific origin of the caduceus is unknown, its beginnings can be traced back to Greek and Roman mythology.虽然默丘利的手杖的详细起源不得而知,它的出现最早可以追溯到希腊和罗马神话。

3.While probably originating in Mesopotamia, the caduceus found its way eastward to India and westward into the Mediterranean.墨丘利的节杖可能起源于美索不达米亚,并且一路往东流传到了印度,往西则流传到了地中海。

4.Raphael has the Caduceus, the medical symbol, or heapng hands as the tool to be used on Wednesday.拉斐尔持有墨丘利的节杖,是医药的象徵、或是在星期三用来当作治疗工具的双手。

5.The caduceus began as the magical rod of the Greek messenger-god Hermes (or the Roman god, Mercury).最初,默丘利的手杖是希腊报信神赫尔墨斯(或说罗马神默丘利)的魔杖。

6.They're black and gold and sport the caduceus , the symbol of the medical profession .这批领带为黑色与金色相间,并醒目地装饰有蛇杖医学标志。

7.Before the doctors appropriated it, the caduceus was worn by people who wanted the gift of eloquence and eternal youth.在医生们将节杖“据为己有”之前,佩戴节杖的人们是想得到神灵赋予的辩才和永恒的青春。