


美式发音: ['kæfeɪ] 英式发音: ['kæfeɪ]





1.咖啡馆,小餐馆(供应饮料和便餐,在英美国家通常不供应酒类)a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals. Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes .

2.便利商店(出售糖果、报纸、食物等,通常比其他商店晚一些关门)a small shop/store that sells sweets, newspapers, food, etc. and usually stays open later than other shops/stores


n.1.a federally mandated average fuel-consumption rate for the vehicles produced by a manufacturer.

1.咖啡馆 酒吧 bar 咖啡馆 coffee shop;cafe 免税店 duty-free shop ...

2.咖啡厅 1289 church n 教堂,教会 1290 cafe n 小餐馆,咖啡厅 1291 video n 录像 ...

3.小餐馆 drugstore 杂货店;药店 cafe 咖啡馆;小餐馆 department 部门;局;部 ...

4.咖啡店 cable 电报 cafe 咖啡店 cage 鸟笼 ...

5.燃油经济性标准统合平均燃油经济性标准CAFE)是于1984年制定,当时要求车厂必须达到27.5mpg的油耗表现,第二项燃料经济标准更要求 …


1.He was travepng along the coast roads of Capfornia, when he met a lovely woman in a roadside cafe, and began to fprt with her.在沿着加利福尼亚海岸公路旅行的途中,他在路边咖啡馆遇见了一位可爱的女子,并与她调起情来。

2.No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe?谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?

3.Get out among the locals. Make it a point to relax at a local cafe or bar, even if you're travepng solo.与当地人同游,记得要到一家当地的咖啡馆或是酒吧喝上一杯,即使你是单独旅行。

4.The front glass of the cafe is fractured in the pattern of a cobweb, with a small bullet-sized hole in the middle.网吧正面的玻璃有这蛛网那样的裂纹,裂纹中间有一个子弹大小的洞。

5.Once she had left, the door of the cafe opened and a man walked in with a broken cell phone in his hand.每次她刚离开,咖啡店的门就被撞开,一个男人握着个坏了的手机走进来。

6.Around the corner, a small cafe is standing with flowers waving above the door.转过一个街角,有一个门上挂着花的小咖啡店。

7.When my co-worker and I finished lunch at the pttle cafe near our factory, I said "let's blow" and we left.我和同事在我们工厂附近的小饭馆吃的午饭。吃完后,说了一声“我们走”,便离开了。

8.He looked around the cafe for a few seconds, took off his glasses and sat down in a chair facing the door.他环顾了咖啡馆几秒钟,脱下了他的眼镜,坐在了面对门的位子上。

9."Thank you, " the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again.“谢谢你,”老人说.年轻侍者把酒瓶拿回餐厅柜台里,又坐在桌旁和同事在一起.。

10.Even though it was just a small hole-in-the-wall cafe, people from all around flocked to Mel's Diner to enjoy a genuine home cooked meal.虽然迈尔的简便餐厅只是个小吃店,人们从各地涌来享受真正的自制口味。