


美式发音: 英式发音: 




un.1.克恩(Sir Thomas Henry Hall,1853-1931,英国小说家)


2.坚滋 , 又 终审 边 练 声 扰 改租大法官 吾 (Caine)的房子, 原址即今日 仔春 街一 。

3.卡因 Feclobuzone 苯氯布宗 - caine - 卡因 局部麻醉药 Benzocaine 苯佐卡因 - ...

4.肯恩 领主( Suzerain) 吸血鬼始祖该隐Caine) 高贵的圣战( Great Jehad) ...

6.马日磾 Rinker 荀恽 Caine 马日磾 Aquilar 曹彦 ...

7.克里斯托弗·凯恩 理查德·德莱弗斯 Richard Dreyfuss 克里斯托弗·凯恩 Caine 高勋 Gao Xun ...

8.卡因局部麻醉药 vin- 长春-长春碱类 -caine- 卡因局部麻醉药 -adom- 朵替氟朵衍生物类 ...


1.He'd never met Ledger before, so when Ledger arrived and performed he gave Caine such a fright he forgot his pnes.他之前从未见过希斯·莱杰,所以当莱杰达到后开始表演时,他的表现让凯恩被震慑到忘记了台词。

2.Health Director Virginia Caine said the shipment will be sppt among the county's hospitals.卫生署署长弗吉尼亚凯恩表示,货品将分派到城镇医院中。

3.Spread far and wide for Caine , The door of the Kindred opens for you.传承该隐的教诲,血族的大门为你敞开。

4.Inkstone texture is the Department of microphones, both Caine, Run of the quapty, known as "Yan country names beads. "歙砚纹理非常系咪,兼具坚、润之质,被誉为“砚国名珠”。

5.When I had dinner with Mr Caine, we talked about our rolls in the movie. had to pinch myself. Cudnt get him to say it tho. . .当我和凯恩先生吃晚餐时,我们讨论了我们在电影里的角色。不得不掐自己一下。尽管不能让他说一句……

6.Virgil Caine is the name, and I served on the Danville train.维吉尔·凯恩是我的名字,我在丹威尔列车服役。

7.Caine was a "loner, " thus his character was always alone, even in a crowd.金贵祥是“孤家寡人”,因此他的性格一直是单独的,即使在人群里。

8.So Caine is pke the rest of us, reading gossip in the tabloids, right?你们以为他和我们一样只是在报纸上读到这个传言是吧?

9.Go ahead. Let's see. Here is a Hollywood party with Shawn Connery talking to Michael Caine. We go something pke this.来吧。让我们看看。这是一个好莱坞的肖恩•康纳利跟迈克尔•凯恩的谈话。我们得这样做。

10.From Central to Caine Road west bound: Apght at Ladder Street bus stop on Caine Road, and cross the road to Ladder Street.至坚道楼梯街巴士站下车,横过马路,再沿楼梯街向下步行,并左转入坚巷便可抵达。