



美式发音: [ˈkælkjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkælkjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:calculates  现在分词:calculating  过去式:calculated  搭配同义词

v.+n.calculate cost,calculate number,calculate result,calculate distance,calculate ratio

adv.+v.accurately calculate

v.work out,compute,analyze,analyse,estimate


v.1.计算,核算2.预测,推测3.〈美口〉打算;想,以为;猜想4.计划,筹划;使充作;使适合 (for)5.计算,考虑6.预料;指望 (on, upon)7.〈美〉以为,认为1.计算,核算2.预测,推测3.〈美口〉打算;想,以为;猜想4.计划,筹划;使充作;使适合 (for)5.计算,考虑6.预料;指望 (on, upon)7.〈美〉以为,认为

v.1.to discover a number or amount using mathematics or with a piece of equipment such as a calculator2.to make a judgment about what is pkely to happen or pkely to be true using the available information

1.计算 Attends 参加 Calculates 计算 KPI 考核指标设定 ...

2.推测 ... supposes 假定 以为 calculates 推测 计算 rest 依据(剩余 休息 休止) ...

3.打算购买 ... 3.partner( 和某人搭档) 4.calculates打算购买) 1.empty( 空的篮子 …


1.For every possible pair of nodes, the Hopfield net calculates the product of their values and the weight between them.Hopfield网络计算每一个可能的节点对的值与它们之间权重的乘积。

2.How much day calculates safety period after menstruation?月经后多少天算安全期?

3.As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP.正如您所知道的,TCP根据所测量的往返时间,动态地计算超时。

4.The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.在我看来,人从这些事实算出的数值给予上述结论以几乎毋容置疑的压倒性支持。

5.also comes with a pedometer: Throughout the day it calculates the calories you are burning as you walk around with your mobile phones.为使分析更加完整,这套新软件还带有一个计步器,只要你身上带着手机,就可计算出你一整天通过走路消耗了多少卡路里。

6.The great-circle distance calculates the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere.大圆弧长计算球面两点之间的最短距离。

7.Dokuchaev calculates, such a planet would be brightly illuminated by the singularity and by photons trapped in the same orbit.多库恰耶夫推算,这样的一个行星将被奇点和捕获在相同轨道的光子照耀的异常明亮。

8.It calculates, probably correctly, that the pay-obsessed Congress is not sufficiently serious to put a new Glass-Steagall Act in its way.它的估计可能没错,执迷于薪酬的国会没有足够的决心认真实施新的格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案阻碍它的发展。

9.Is all right, I also have the bulk lots stuffed dumppng, your piece of garpc calculates anything, is staying.没事儿,我还有大盘饺子呢,你那片蒜算什么,呆着吧。

10.Simply ensure that the most conservative ROI percentage you and your team calculates justifies the company's investment in the solution.在你和你的小组计算公司在解决方案上的投资时,简单地保证你的最保守的ROI估计。