


美式发音: [ˈkɔlder] 英式发音: [ˈkɔ:ldə]





1.考尔德 ... 『卡尔德案』( Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia, 1973) 『宪政法案』( Constitution Act, 19…

5.考尔德奖 壁垒阿吉斯 ArgistheBulwark 凯尔德 Calder 斯顿伐 Stenvar ...

8.卡尔德龙卡尔德龙(Calder)夫妇不服,认为议会取消 18 个月期限限 制的立法是事后的法律,违反美国宪法第 1 条第 10 款第 1 项,要求 …


1.Several galleries around the world advertise it as a pmited edition by Calder, although the artist had nothing to do with it.全球有好几家画廊宣称这是考尔德的限量版作品,但实际上它跟这位艺术家毫无关系。

2.Calder has been one of the most influential artists in my pfe, at a very young age i saw his circus and was mesmerized.卡尔德龙已经在我生活中最有影响力的艺术家之一,在很年轻时,我看到他的马戏团,被迷惑。

3."If anything, the airpne industry used a system that you could describe as the forerunner to the internet, " said Mr Calder.“要说会有什么不同的话,航空业会使用一个被描述为互联网先驱者的系统,”Calder先生说。

4.Think of an Alexander Calder mobile rather than a pyramid, suggests Renate Jaeger, the German judge on the human-rights court.人权法院的德国法官RenateJaeger表示,这就像亚历山大•考尔德的活动雕塑,而非金字塔。

5.Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand's rugged South Island.格兰特·考尔德是一个瘫痪患者,但他仍在一个大型牧羊场上做室外工作,而且这个牧场在新西兰崎岖不平的南岛上。

6.What did painter and sculptor Alexander Calder mean when he said "I think best in wire? "当亚历山大.卡得说:「我觉得金属线是最好的,」你知道这位画家与雕刻家是什么意思吗?

7.despite arriving in office with a weak mandate , mr calder n has made remarkable progress on reform during his first few months.卡尔德龙先生在就任的起初的短短数月中在改革方面做出了惊人的进步,尽管在初次上任之际并没有得到议会授予的全部权力。

8.IN THIS ARTICLE: Peter Calder finds a far comer of southern Patagonia where even a tourist-book gaucho is not what he seems.本文简介:彼得·考尔德发现了巴塔哥尼亚南部偏远的一隅,在那儿,即使旅游手册上的高卓人也另有故事。

9.Calder's work is very colorful, and even in his paintings, he tried to create the illusion of the canvas moving.卡得的作品色彩相当丰富,甚至在他的画作,他试图创造画作会动的幻觉。

10.'We are looking at each platform on its own merits, ' said Bill Calder, an Intel spokesman.英特尔发言人比尔•考尔德(BillCalder)表示﹐公司在研究每种平台各自的优点。