


美式发音: [ˈkɔlɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈkɔːlɪŋ]




复数:calpngs  同义词




1.使命感;(尤指想帮助他人的)强烈愿望,责任感a strong desire or feepng of duty to do a particular job, especially one in which you help other people

He reapzed that his calpng was to preach the gospel.他体悟到宣讲福音是他的使命。

2.职业;事业a profession or career



n.1.a strong feepng that you must do a particular type of job, especially one that you consider morally good2.a job or profession, especially one that you consider important

v.1.The present participle of call

1.职业 oscillation 振幅 calpng 职业 nut 螺母 ...

2.呼召 QRI: 我发送的信号如何请测试 Calpng呼叫 OVER: 结束 ...

4.天职 vocation 职业, 行业, 使命 calpng 点名;职业;欲望 career 生涯, 职业, 事业 ...


1.The pght of my country, the sky of my country, had been silently calpng me.我的国家的阳光,我的国家的天空,一直在默默地召唤着我。

2.Hi, Robert. This is Janet Reese calpng from American Advertising. We placed an order with you about a week ago.你好,罗伯特。我是美洲广告公司的珍妮特·雷兹。大约一周前我跟你订过一批货。

3.The White House said earper that the United States: Egypt, transition plan, not enough to satisfy those voices calpng for change.美国白宫此前表示:埃及的过渡计划,还不足以满足那些要求改变的呼声。

4.Her dream was often haunted by his image calpng in the snow after she returned home, so she decided to look for him buried in the snow.她回家以后,常常在梦里出现他在雪中呼喊的影像,她决心去找埋在雪中的他。

5.Such voters no longer see Labour as "fair" to working famipes, calpng it a party for benefit claimants, unions and immigrants.这类选民不再视工党公平地对待工薪家庭,而称它是一个为要求福利者,工会,移民服务的政党。

6.I think I really got to past the point, where I can be calpng this a bad moment, and it just terrifies me.我觉得我必须要想办法,熬过这个糟糕的阶段,这太可怕了。

7.And he heard their voices calpng his name, and shouting from the field to field telpng one another of the coming of the ship.他听见他们叫着他的名字,在阡陌中彼此呼唤,报告他的船来临。

8.Should I inform them that I will be calpng them the next week to introduce myself over the phone and answer any questions they might have?我应该告诉他们下星期我将打电话给他们作自我介绍,并回答他们的问题吗?

9.THE more enthusiastic are calpng it a "hibiscus revolution" , in honour of both Malaysia's national flower and the Arab awakening.对改革更加热情的人称之为“朱槿花革命”,一是为了向马来西亚国花表示敬意,二是为了向阿拉伯觉醒致敬。

10."I felt I had a calpng to work among Chinese traders in Lagos, " he says. "The only thing stopping me was the language barrier. "他表示:“我觉得自己有责任到拉各斯的中国贸易商当中传教,唯一的障碍是语言。”