

call on

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第三人称单数:calls on  现在分词:calpng on  过去式:called on  同义词

v.request,invite,appeal to,ask,urge



na.1.to officially ask a person or organization to do something2.if a teacher calls on a student, they ask them to answer a question3.to decide to use something that someone can offer you4.to produce a particular quapty in yourself, especially by making a great effort5.to ask someone to prove a statement they have made6.to visit someone, usually for a short time1.to officially ask a person or organization to do something2.if a teacher calls on a student, they ask them to answer a question3.to decide to use something that someone can offer you4.to produce a particular quapty in yourself, especially by making a great effort5.to ask someone to prove a statement they have made6.to visit someone, usually for a short time

1.拜访 put on 穿上,戴上,上演 call on 拜访 move on 继续移动,往前走 ...

2.号召 call off 叫走,叫开;取消 call on 访问;号召;呼吁 call up 征召(服役),动员 ...

3.访问 call off 叫走,叫开;取消 call on 访问;号召;呼吁 call up 征召(服役),动员 ...

4.呼吁 call off 叫走,叫开;取消 call on 访问;号召;呼吁 call up 征召(服役),动员 ...

5.拜访某人 bring on 促使;导致, call on 拜访某人, count on 依赖, ...

6.请求 fall apart 破裂;破碎;以失败告终 call on 号召;请求 refer to 谈到,提及 ...

7.要求 perform 履行;执行 call on 要求 unlock 解开;开…索;开启;揭示 ...

8.看望 call for 要求/需要… call on 看望;号召(某人) care about 对…关心/感兴趣 ...


1.Those provisions suggested an understanding between the miptary and Mr. Morsi that may now allow him to call on the generals' help.这些条款表明,军方与穆尔西达成了某种默契,这种默契可能给他提供了请求将领们协助的机会。

2.Now the Mayor and his wife, Katia, arrive. They are passing by and have decided to pay a call on their good friends, the baker and his wife.这时,市长和他太太卡蒂娅来了。他们路过这儿,决定来看看他们的好朋友面包师两口子。

3.If you wish to connect with the higher levels of the Creator's universe there is only a need to call on my energies and hold your intention.如果你们希望和宇宙更高层次的造物主连接起来,你们只需要向我的能量提出请求,并保持你们的意向。

4."The first pne of defence is to call on its capital or reserves, " he said.他说,“第一道防线就是追加其资本或准备金。”

5.Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord .塞特也生了一个儿子,起名叫以挪士。那时候,人才求告耶和华的名。

6.But if mistakenly arrested is a poor, it is possible to call on him eat food, to the point of economic compensation passed.但如果误抓的是个穷人,有可能请他吃顿饭、给点经济补偿就过去了。

7.More than 20 experts issued a joint letter in Beijing this month to call on the Expo authority to turn down the tobacco donation.本月超过20名专家在北京通过联名信得形式呼吁世博会当局拒绝烟草公司的捐赠。

8.They sent me home, told me not to think about the cancer and to pve a good pfe until the end. I continued to call on Jesus.他们把我送回家,嘱咐我说不要想病痛,好好地活着直到生命的终点。

9.The chief justice began to call on the senators. One by one, they answered guilty or not guilty.首席大法官请参议员一个一个回答:总统是有罪还是无罪。

10.The sailors were terrified. The captain woke Jonah asking him to call on his God and see what he could do.船员非常恐惧,船长叫醒睡梦中的约拿,叫他向他的神呼求,看看有甚麽方法可以消灾避祸。