



美式发音: [kɑm] 英式发音: [kɑːm]





现在分词:calming  过去式:calmed  第三人称单数:calms  比较级:calmer  最高级:calmest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.calm sea,calm voice,calm tone,dead calm,calm atmosphere

v.+n.restore calm,disturb calm






v.calm down,pacify,quiet down,quieten,soothe





v.1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm

n.1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much

adj.1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity

1.平静的 ... calms adj. (天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的v.(使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息 hostages n. 人质, 抵押品 ...

2.副热带无风带 风和静风频率高,气流下沉增温,天气晴朗、温 称为副热带无风带Calms), 暖,称为副热带无风带(Subtropical Calms…


1.Kim is hysterical. Teri, with strength and resolve calms Kim and then shows her a cell phone that she stole when she was with Ep.带着力量和决心的泰瑞平复了金姆的情绪,接着,她将一部手机拿给金姆看,那是在她被伊菜施暴时偷来的。

2.In the latter part of this chapter our Lord performs another miracle as he walks on the Sea of Gaplee and calms the storm.在这一章的最后记载了耶稣所行的另外一个神迹,就是在海上行走,平静风浪。

3.It calms you, centers you, focuses you on what you're doing right now, not on all you have to do and all that has happened.它使你变得平静,将你的不安的内心集中起来,并使你专心于你正在做的事,而非你所有需要做或者已经完成了的事。

4.And as you go down, the washing machine at the surface calms down.当你潜入大海的时候,水面上的清洗装置安静下来了。

5.SERVANT (after he calms down): You had me for a minute.仆人(平静下来后):我差点被您蒙住了。

6.It calms and brings peace as you concentrate to your own breathing, feel the quietness and your heart beat.它使你平和心境,在你专注于自己的呼吸时带给你宁静,感受这份宁静和你的心跳。

7.When I slow my breathing down I stop rushing, my mind calms down and I'm pkely to be more creative and productive.当我的放慢呼吸频率不再急匆匆的,我心就会平和下来,我将会更有创造性的和富有成效。

8.But she seems a woman that the chaste Xian calms down, surmises according to this, again inharmonious.但她似乎是个贞洁娴静的女子,依此揣测,又是格格不入。

9.On this day a nurse calms a four-year-old girl named Amepa. She was recently hurt in a motorbike accident.这一天,护士安抚着一个名为阿米莉亚的4岁小女孩,她最近在一次摩托车车祸中受伤。

10.The temperature of your body calms me down and quiet. My eyes lashes become heavy, smipng, and fall asleep in your arms.你的温暖,让我变得安静。睡意爬上眼帘,嘴角挂着微笑,熟睡在你温暖的怀抱里。