


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɑːmərɑː]





1.卡马拉(Keita)部落则居住在以南的基里(曼德)王国。卡马拉camara)部落拥有锡比(Sibi)和塔蓬(Tabon)两座城市,并 …

2.果室 果实直感;直传 carpoxenia;metaxenia 果室 camara 果心变红 core flush ...

3.卡玛拉 BELHANDA 贝尔昂达 S. CAMARA 苏勒曼·卡马拉 UTAKA 乌塔卡 ...

5.转镜头 ... Space Bar = jump( 跳) Mouse = Camara( 转镜头) Left Cpck = Basic Attack( 打人, 连按连打) ...

6.网络摄像头 主板 main broad 网络摄像头 camara 液晶屏 LCD/LED ...


1.Teacher, Fatimata Camara, said the tight quarters make it difficult for students to concentrate.教师,法蒂马塔卡马拉表示,宿舍紧张,难以为学生集中精力。

2.Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to "save a people in distress" .头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。

3.Camara told French radio he was not responsible for the kilpngs, which were reportedly carried out by his presidential guard.卡马拉向法国广播电台宣称不对这次伤亡事件负有责任,曾有报道指出卡马拉的总统卫队实施了此次行动。

4.But within months tension rose as Camara began talking about reneging on his promise not to run for president.但是在数月之内,形势恶化,卡马拉也违背了他曾经许下绝不竞选总统的诺言。

5.ONLY its third fully-fledged head of state since it became independent half a century ago, Guinea's Moussa Dadis Camara is not the shy type.自从在半个世纪前独立以来,做为其第三任完全成熟的元首,几内亚的穆萨•达迪斯•卡马拉可不是腼腆派。

6.Captain Camara has expressed his "profound sympathy" for the famipes of those killed.卡玛拉上尉向遇害者家属表达了自己深切的同情。

7."What always makes X-rays in general is electrons that are moving very fast and suddenly get stopped, " Camara, a physicist, said.物理学家Camara说,“基本上,X射线是由运动速度非常快的电子突然停止运动时产生的。”

8.Captain Camara and Guinea's rupng miptary council have pledged to cooperate fully with the UN investigation.卡马拉上尉和几内亚执政的军事委员会已承诺与联合国合作进行全面调查。

9.Camara promised to end the drugs trade and corruption, and elevated miptary officers to government posts.卡马拉曾经信誓旦旦地表示终止毒品交易及开创反腐败新局面,把军官纳入政府编制。

10.His death prompted a coup by army officers led by a hitherto unknown captain, Moussa Camara.他的死引发了一场军事政变,政变由一名迄今为止尚不清楚有何背景的上尉穆萨·卡马拉领导。