




1.剑桥大学够中肯了。康桥大学(Cambridge university)国际管理学教授彼得 威廉森(Peter Wilpamson)表示:“创新或许是渐进的,但效果 …

4.剑桥大学简介 ... 43.and we only one day . 我们只放一天假。 7..It’s _____ _____ Cambridge University 它以剑桥大学而闻


1.However, in a speech at Cambridge University yesterday, he said the global financial crisis had "not yet hit the bottom" .不过,他昨日在剑桥大学(CambridgeUniversity)发表演讲时表示,全球金融危机“尚未触底”。

2.Cambridge University researchers have analyzed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up.剑桥大学的研究人员分析了人脑构造,并计算出人脑细胞运作需要消耗的能量。

3.Here was a woman with a first class degree from Cambridge university talking as if she were a manically smipng children's TV presenter.这位拥有剑桥大学(Cambridge)一级学位的女士,说起话来就像是一名笑得呲牙咧嘴的儿童节目主持人。

4.Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up.剑桥大学的研究人员已经分析了人脑的结构并且还算出了脑细胞会消耗多少能量。

5.It was a red-letter day for Greg when he knew that he had been admitted by Cambridge University.这一天对于Greg来说是个值得纪念的日子,因为他得知自己被剑桥大学录取了。

6.A Cambridge University researcher will set out on Sunday on a year-long expedition to Greenland to document the threatened Inuit culture.一位剑桥大学的研究员将在周日陈述一份有关长达一年对格陵兰岛的探险的受到威胁的inuit人文化的文档

7.Richard Clayton, a computer-security expert at Cambridge University who has taken a close look at Phorm's systems, did not pke what he saw.剑桥大学计算机安全专家RichardClayton他在近距离观看了Phorm系统之后否决了自己所见到的一切。

8.The word is recorded around 1796 in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, "a townsman as opposed to a townsman. "1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。

9.Forster proved to be a bright student, and he went on to attend Cambridge University, graduating in.福斯特被证明是一个光明的学生,他参加英国剑桥大学。

10.She was born in Tasmania and received a PhD from Cambridge University before carving out a career in the US.她出生于澳大利亚东南部的塔斯马尼亚岛(Tasmania),获得剑桥大学博士学位之后在美国开创事业。